
Sunday, June 29, 2014

UtopYA Con: Day two

We got more panels today and tonight is the UtopYA Awards! I slept in a little just because I didn't need to get up early to buy books.

Since the two keynotes speakers switch places, Friday was Syliva Day and today was Gennifer Albin. It always nice when authors share their struggles, their ups and downs. Gennifer probably shared one of her hardest moment in life for her and her husband.

Gennifer and I

After that I went to check out more of the exhibitors, since some were still setting up when I walked around yesterday but I was early as well but with how the panels started I didn't have much time to linger around.

The Blog Your Face off was interesting, Toni of My Book Addiction was one of the speakers and I found that it was really important that bloggers are able to pass on advices to other bloggers.

The Stellar Swag that had Carol Kunz, Heather Hildenbrand, Amy Miles, and Sarah M Ross. They shared about their thoughts and their honest on creating swags. While some had someone else do the design and swag works even Heather spent hours writing on rocks for swags and people seems to love them even though she thought that would never draw interest.

If I had to create swags, I love bookplates, bookmarks, some other sizes of books swags. I've collected many of those things so I know what I like and don't particularity care for. There are great sites to make your own swags as for me with my business cards I did that all on my own.

The best panel I like the most was the Future of YA & NA Trends, this is where I got to meet Kelly of Ink Slinger PR. I think a lot of new authors/writers worry about trends, you know vampires and werewolves were a thing and they still are but not in that big attention like Twilight was.

Kelly and I

I've told myself even when I had doubts, don't worry about trends you will drive yourself out of your mind. My characters are what they are and who they are even if something is consider DEAD. As long you love what your writing it doesn't matter, you have to have the passion to push yourself.

Well Check back for the UtopYA Awards because that needs a post all on its own,

Saturday, June 28, 2014

UtopYA: Day One

It the offical Day One of UtopYA, full of panels, check out the exhibitors, and the Fan Invasion signing!

I had no idea what to do or where to start, except avoid the ICE room at all cost (if I can) BRRRR there was one or maybe it was two conference room that were ICE cold.

But My favorite conference room was on the 10th floor there was an whole view of the city! You could get so inspired by the view (now I'm not planning to send my characters off to Nashville but you never know in the future)

The view from the 10th floor

But then attending a panel about clumping (not in the way it sounds) clumping as find your book buddies, what Megan Curd pointed out is that we already past the ice breaker by having something in common . . . We all love books. So I reminded myself that we were or I was here because of the books and the authors that I've connected over the past four years or so. 

Then as the day went along I was ready to meet new authors that I've never heard of and meet authors that I I have heard of. Taking pictures was a challenge for me but I got them or at least I got what I could get. 

Then I needed to practice handing out my business cards, and they were a hit! Everyone love the name and the design which made it easier for author to remember who I am because of my name Kat and my card has a picture of a cat (not Buddy the cat who I miss like crazy!)

Fan Invasion Signing!
I meet so many authors, my feet didn't hurt from standing . . . the lines weren't long and I snagged a few books just before the Fan Invasion all thanks to Mom who pointed it out in interest for her as well.

I carry my brag book and got just as many and more authors to sign it! I put a lot of hard work into it and I had two authors signed on the two black pages because I ran out of time to design each pages of the book so a Silver Sharpie really turns out well when I was doubtful.

Crazy packed! And photo bombs with heavy, heavy books and swags to carry. I didn't know that swags could get that heavy!

Some authors that set up a preorder went above and beyond for those that preorder, which was awesome we got a few more goodies!

The one sad thing on Day one panels and the Fan Invasion signing, Jennifer Armentrout
As you know/heard she couldn't make it due to flights being delayed, overbooked, just beyond impatient trying to wait for an available plane and such. But she also said that with her eye condition/disease that flying isn't that good for her so she also have to place her eyes first before her fans.

I had all of the Lux books (not the volumes), Wait for Me and Trust in Me, Half Blood, & Frigid. Why did I bring that many? Well because I'm crazy about authors signing my books and she a big time author and my town or even the next state over deem to have very little interest of having BIG TIME Authors come do signing events and such.

Hopefully one day I will meet JLA, take a picture with her and possibly hug her for just being there at whatever event I'm at/she's at.

Plus I want some swag from her as well, which I'll be getting bookplates eventually from her as a gift for all of us readers/fan that had hoped she be at UtopYA.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Cover Reveal: Unleashed

It's Friday! and today I'm happy to spread the love of Sophie Jordan's Uninvited series, Unleashed Cover Reveal!

I love love Uninvited! It was one of the best thriller/Science-fiction/Dystopia book I have ever read and the concept and theme of the book was actually fresh for the YA readers community. 

Here's my review of Uninvited

So first here's an mini-teaser
I thought being labeled a killer and losing everything—my future, family, boyfriend, friends—was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. It’s not. Finding out they were right. Finding out that’s exactly what I am?

That’s worse.

Now for the Cover and Synopsis 

Displaying Unleashed-HC-C-2.JPGWhat if the worst thing you ever did was unforgivable?

Davy’s world fell apart after she tested positive for Homicidal Tendency Syndrome. She was expelled from her school, dumped by her boyfriend, abandoned by friends, and shipped off to a camp that turns HTS carriers into soldiers. Davy may have escaped, but the damage has already been done. The unthinkable has happened. Now, even worse than having everyone else see her as a monster is the knowledge that they may have been right about her all along. Because Davy has killed.

On the run from government agents, Davy is rescued by Caden, the charismatic leader of an underground group of rebels. Despite Caden’s assurances that the Resistance is made up of carriers like her, Davy isn’t sure she can trust them. Then again, she doesn’t even know if she can trust herself . . . or her growing feelings for Caden. But if she doesn’t belong with Caden and his followers, is there anywhere she can call home?

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

UTopYA Con: Day 0.5

Meow! I know it been forever since I've done a post! I'm not hiding I swear, I just got a lot of life things going one that I'm going in a million different direction. 

First off I like to say that I visited my really good friend in North Carolina after 5 years meeting her so long ago. 

Tuesday/Wednesday, she and her finace took my mom and I out to dinner then the very next day her doctor said that it was time to go to the hospital (she was expecting) so instead of spending time with her I visited her at the hospital during her early stages of labor.

You can say I cross off a bucket list or something, visiting a friend at labor & Delivery, She had a boy (she knew she was having a boy) he was born June 18th 11:36pm, weight 6lbs 13oz and 19inches. Completely healthy and they were send home Friday.

Anyway to start off I'm at UTopYA Con, 

it's been awesome so far although Thursday night and early Friday I went to my shyish self, I haven't been this shy in a long time but as I warn people earlier that I am shy when meeting new people (a lot) of new people. 

Thursday night was kind of a bust, the Reader Abduction party wasn't as great as I thought it would be. There had to have been 100 people in one small conference room, you could barely walk around. Now I'm not always claustrophobic, but small rooms and way more people that the room can tolerate makes me feel that way. 

The entertainment of games were fun from what I'd played,  the little prizes that I won were cool. I wish that they had held it in a bigger room and be more set up in a sense. I guess I was expecting more out of it rather than getting that feeling of being confined in a small room. 

If they do plan to do another Reader Abduction party, hopefully they might consider a bigger room and more games or activities instead of people just standing around (especially for some that are shy and don't know anyone)

I did meet Megan of Paperbook Princess, no I didn't get a pic of me and her we had our own plans that it just didn't fold over. But it was great meeting her! 

My next post will be all about Day one then so on with the next couple posts.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Book Review: The Curse Breakers

The Curse Breakers (Curse Keepers #2) by Denise Grover Swank

The Curse Breakers (The Curse Keeper, #2)Book Two of the Curse Keepers trilogy.
For more than four hundred years, the Curse Keepers guarded the barrier between the human and spirit realms. All that changed the day Ellie Lancaster met Collin Dailey. Prophecy demanded they defend the world from evil…even as it ignited a passion that threatened to consume them both.

Now Ellie faces a frightening new life, abandoned by the man she loves and tormented by malevolent spirits unleashing their vengeance upon the earth. Her only shot at protecting humanity—and herself—from the demon scourge is to claim the mark of the god Ahone as her own. Finding it means trusting Dr. David Preston, a handsome professor of Native American studies whose skepticism is surpassed only by his attraction to Ellie. Together they must finish what the Curse Keepers began, defying the forces of darkness to face hell on earth—and unlock the truth of Ellie’s destiny.

Kindle Edition, 406 pages

Expected publication: May 20th 2014 by 47North 

Book Review
Wow! So much change between the first book and this one, Ahone & Onkeus are not giving up on either needing Ellie or wanting to kill her. Since Ellie's father died she never realizes how much information she forgotten that she needed her father's help. 

Collin is out of the picture . . . sort of but he's the last person Ellie would go to for answers so she hopes that the professor Dr. David Preston might help her if possible. But 

Ellie's life is at stake, the protection mark is fading and the gods are stirring up more trouble. Whether Dr. David Preston believes her story about the gods, he determine to use his knowledge about the old legends to help her out and find the answers she needs.

Will Ellie figure out what's she missing, what will it takes to close the gate? 
The Curse Breakers brings more to the table, and leave you wanting more of what will happen next for Ellie. Will she be able to close the gate and place her trust in someone who already lost her trust? 

I give this 4.5 Cat's Tails UP, I like that Denise brought in a new guy with an accent but also raising the stakes. 

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW
I had to go back to the last few pages of the first book because I couldn't remember what had happen leading up to the open pages of The Curse Breakers. The gate has opened and all of the gods are stirring, now things have heated up for Ellie that she has to figure how to stop it before it becomes a serious issue. 
Collin will always be a question in my mind, what EXACTLY did he give up? He still remains mysterious but when his own actions affects Ellie in so many ways and in personal ways, In the end he loses her because of his actions. Ellie makes sure that she reminds him of his mistake and what were the consequences of his actions.

Ellie struggles with the loss of her father, she suffers even more now that everything that she couldn't or didn't remember about the gods now lies with him. But her father despite his dementia left trails and left memories that only Ellie can access in her mind. 

Since Ellie has to find answers somewhere else, she started at her local college hoping that Dr. David Preston a history professor might help but he wasn't so willing to help until he hear about the gods and the legends are true. 

Ellie face Okeus numerous of times even with his messenger but when he reaches out to her in her dreams, Ellie couldn't be more in danger. Okeus shares his big master plan, which includes Ellie herself but even Ellie knows that Okeus thrives to have her as his own. 

The Gate has to be closed before all hell breaks loose, if not already.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mouse Watch



Sinner (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #3.5 ) by Maggie Stiefvater


Sinner (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #3.5) A standalone companion book to the internationally bestselling Shiver Trilogy.

Sinner follows Cole St. Clair, a pivotal character from the #1 New York Times bestselling Shiver Trilogy. Everybody thinks they know Cole's story. Stardom. Addiction. Downfall. Disappearance. But only a few people know Cole's darkest secret -- his ability to shift into a wolf. One of these people is Isabel. At one point, they may have even loved each other. But that feels like a lifetime ago. Now Cole is back. Back in the spotlight. Back in the danger zone. Back in Isabel's life. Can this sinner be saved?

Hardcover, 368 pages

Expected publication: July 1st 2014 by Scholastic Press









 Wings (Black City #3) by Elizabeth Richards


Wings (Black City, #3)Following the cliffhanger ending of Phoenix, Natalie finds herself separated from Ash and unexpectedly reunited with her parents, including the father she thought was dead. But she can only think of Ash. She hasn't heard a word of him since she and Elijah were brought to the underground headquarters of the Sentry Rebellion. But she vows to find him.

Ash, meanwhile is back in Black City; it's the perfect place to hide from the Sentry government. But not for long. He won't give up on Natalie or bringing an end to the terrible reign of Purian Rose.

A pulse-racing end to an exciting series.(less)

Hardcover, 400 pages

Expected publication: June 12th 2014 by Putnam Juvenile









Murder Complex (The Murder Complex #1) by Lindsay Cummings


The Murder Complex (The Murder Complex, #1)An action-packed, blood-soaked, futuristic debut thriller set in a world where the murder rate is higher than the birthrate. For fans of Moira Young’s Dust Lands series, La Femme Nikita, and the movie Hanna.

Meadow Woodson, a fifteen-year-old girl who has been trained by her father to fight, to kill, and to survive in any situation, lives with her family on a houseboat in Florida. The state is controlled by The Murder Complex, an organization that tracks the population with precision.

The plot starts to thicken when Meadow meets Zephyr James, who is—although he doesn’t know it—one of the MC’s programmed assassins. Is their meeting a coincidence? Destiny? Or part of a terrifying strategy? And will Zephyr keep Meadow from discovering the haunting truth about her family?

Action-packed, blood-soaked, and chilling, this is a dark and compelling debut novel by Lindsay Cummings.

Hardcover, 400 pages

Expected publication: June 10th 2014 by Greenwillow Books

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Kitty Blitz: The Keeper + Review

The Keeper (The Raven Chronicles # 0.5) 
by Stephanie Thomas

The Keeper (The Raven Chronicles #0.5) In this dark and thrilling prequel, in a time before Beatrice, before the all-out war between the Dreamcatchers and the Seers, before the Keeper became the Keeper...there was just Danielle...

Yesterday, Danielle was only a Seer, but when the Institution is attacked, Danielle suddenly finds herself wearing the red robes of the Keeper, a role she never expected to serve. As she struggles to come to terms with the brutal facts behind the attack and the demands that her position carries, she learns that leadership doesn't come without sacrifice. As the danger continues to grow, Danielle must make the choice between the man she loves and those whom she is sworn to protect. But in making the choice, Danielle could make the biggest sacrifice of all.


Expected publication: June 10th 2014 by Stephanie Thomas 

This is an ARC ebook from Stephanie

So I know many of you who are fans of Stephanie's Raven Chronicles, and were eager for book number 2 Lucidity but since Stephanie had a downfall of miscommunications and needed to reclaim what were hers she struggled with the reality of what happen, she even struggled to tell us what had happen . . . if you would like to know what had happen here's her Open Apology 

Now Stephanie has treated us with a short story/novella . . . a prelude of the Raven Chronicles before Beatrice came along, called The Keeper. 

The Keeper is now available on Amazon

The time where your first true vision comes, that's when you earn your Ravens Wings. Danielle never thought she would become the next keeper or that her decisions will determine everything for the institution. 

Danielle is torn between her duties and her love for someone that betrayed her and the institution, but there's a much bigger plan in the midst of a revolution between the institution and the dreamcatchers & seers.

Will Danielle choose love over duties or duties over love?

Or will Love be the weakness?

The Keeper is where the beginning of a revolution started, Danielle must do what she thinks is right and for the sake of the Seers safely and to maintain a peace and power over the citizens, dreamcatchers and forthcoming Seers

I really love when authors dig in the past/the backstory of how things happen to why things happens that chang. Stephanie created The Keeper as a light/dark and edgy story, that it gets five Cat's Tails UP. 

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW
The Keeper took you back on Daneille's life, when she earns her Raven wings and also became the Keeper we grew to hate in Luminosity.  But after reading The Keeper you see a much softer side of her and the reaons why she was so downright hardheaded and evil.

Danielle was the one you never thought she was madly in love with someone like Micah, but sadly Micah became part of the revolution which then made him the enemy but Danielle secretly hope that there was an explanation to everything.

Amelie is Danielle's right hand girl/best friend in my book . . . she was the one person Danielle could relies on as a friend. When Danielle became the next Keeper, she makes the hardest decisions she could ever faced.

Yes this story was short and it gave insight on how or why the revolution started that leads to Beatrice's story.  I would say more but there's spoilers that involves how this ended and what ties in Luminosity.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Book Releases

It's seem like it been forever since I've done book releases, my summer schedule has just begun like crazy with many upcoming events.

So this will be a short Book Releases as well Mouse Watch for this month of June.

Ruin and Rising (The Grisha #3) by Leigh Bardugo 

Ruin and Rising (The Grisha, #3)The capital has fallen. The Darkling rules Ravka from his shadow throne.

Now the nation's fate rests with a broken Sun Summoner, a disgraced tracker, and the shattered remnants of a once-great magical army.

Deep in an ancient network of tunnels and caverns, a weakened Alina must submit to the dubious protection of the Apparat and the zealots who worship her as a Saint. Yet her plans lie elsewhere, with the hunt for the elusive firebird and the hope that an outlaw prince still survives.

Alina will have to forge new alliances and put aside old rivalries as she and Mal race to find the last of Morozova's amplifiers. But as she begins to unravel the Darkling's secrets, she reveals a past that will forever alter her understanding of the bond they share and the power she wields. The firebird is the one thing that stands between Ravka and destruction—and claiming it could cost Alina the very future she’s fighting for.

Hardcover, 432 pages

Expected publication: June 17th 2014 by Henry Holt and Co.

Graduation Day (The Testing #3) by Joelle Charbonnea 

Graduation Day (The Testing, #3)In book three of the Testing series, the United Commonwealth wants to eliminate the rebel alliance fighting to destroy The Testing for good. Cia is ready to lead the charge, but will her lethal classmates follow her into battle?

She wants to put an end to the Testing
In a scarred and brutal future, The United Commonwealth teeters on the brink of all-out civil war. The rebel resistance plots against a government that rules with cruelty and cunning. Gifted student and Testing survivor, Cia Vale, vows to fight.

But she can't do it alone.
This is the chance to lead that Cia has trained for - but who will follow? Plunging through layers of danger and deception, Cia must risk the lives of those she loves--and gamble on the loyalty of her lethal classmates.

Who can Cia trust?
The stakes are higher than ever-lives of promise cut short or fulfilled; a future ruled by fear or hope--in the electrifying conclusion to Joelle Charbonneau's epic Testing trilogy. Ready or not…it's Graduation Day.

The Final Test is the Deadliest!

Hardcover, 304 pages
Expected publication: June 17th 2014 by HMH Books for Young Readers

Push (The Game #2) by Eve Silver 


Push (The Game, #2)It’s either break the rules or die.

Miki Jones lives her life by her own strict set of rules, to keep control, to keep the gray fog of grief at bay. Then she’s pulled into the Game, where she—and her team—will die unless she follows a new set of rules: those set by the mysterious Committee.

But rules don’t mean answers, and without answers, it’s hard to trust. People are dying. The rules are unraveling. And Miki knows she’s being watched, uncertain if it’s the Drau or someone—something—else. Forced to make impossible choices and battling to save those she loves, Miki begins to see the Committee in a glaring new light.

And then the Game crosses a new boundary, pushes harder into Miki’s and her friends’ lives, and there’s nothing in the rules that can save them now.

Push is the sequel Rush fans will be screaming for.

Hardcover, 352 pages

Expected publication: June 10th 2014 by Katherine Tegen Books


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Friday, June 6, 2014

Kitty Blitz: The Lux Volumes

It's here! Today is the day you can get the beautiful new bindups of Jennifer L. Armentrout's LUX Series! Are you as excited as we are?

LUX Special edition RDL Banner
Doesn't it look amazing? You don't want to miss these or the bonus content included in each bindup! We have all the information for you below, and a fabulous giveaway for you. Make sure you check it all out and enter for your chance to win!

LUX: Beginnings

LUX: Consequences

Lux Series

ABOUT LUX: Beginnings: Now available together for the first time, don't miss Obsidian and Onyx, the first two books in Jennifer L. Armentrout's bestselling Lux series. Also includes bonus content exclusive to the print edition! "A thrilling ride from start to finish," says RT Book Reviews. Starting over sucks. When we moved to West Virginia right before my senior year, I’d pretty much resigned myself to thick accents, dodgy internet access, and a whole lot of boring…. until I spotted my hot neighbor, with his looming height and eerie green eyes. Things were looking up. And then he opened his mouth. Daemon is infuriating. Arrogant. Stab-worthy. We do not get along. At all. But when a stranger attacks me and Daemon literally freezes time with a wave of his hand, well, something…unexpected happens. The hot alien living next door marks me. You heard me. Alien. Turns out Daemon and his sister have a galaxy of enemies wanting to steal their abilities, and Daemon’s touch has me lit up like the Vegas Strip. The only way I’m getting out of this alive is by sticking close to Daemon until my alien mojo fades. If I don’t kill him first, that is.  

ABOUT LUX: Consequences: Now available together for the first time, don't miss Opal and Origin, the third and fourth books in Jennifer L. Armentrout's bestselling Lux series. Also includes bonus content exclusive to the print edition! "A thrilling ride from start to finish," says RT Book Reviews. No one is like Daemon Black. When he set out to prove his feelings for me, he wasn’t fooling around. Doubting him isn’t something I’ll do again, and now that we’ve made it through the rough patches, well... There’s a lot of spontaneous combustion going on. But even he can’t protect his family from the danger of trying to free those they love. After everything, I’m no longer the same Katy. I’m different... And I’m not sure what that will mean in the end. When each step we take in discovering the truth puts us in the path of the secret organization responsible for torturing and testing hybrids, the more I realize there is no end to what I’m capable. The death of someone close still lingers, help comes from the most unlikely source, and friends will become the deadliest of enemies, but we won’t turn back. Even if the outcome will shatter our worlds forever. Together we’re stronger...and they know it.

OPPOSITION Comes out August 5th! Pre-Order It Now!

Author-photoAbout Jennifer L. Armentrout: # 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV. She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

Find Jennifer L. Armentrout

Add the LUX Series on Goodreads!

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Book Review: The Lovely & The Lost

The Lovely and the Lost (The Dispossessed #2) by Page Morgan 

The Lovely and the Lost  
Ingrid and Gabby survived the Underneath. They saved their brother, Grayson, from a future of dark servitude and exposed a plot to undermine the Alliance. 

But danger still lurks in the streets of Paris, and the Dispossessed, perched on the city's bridges and rooftops, might not be able to save their human wards this time. 

Hardcover, 368 pages

Published May 13th 2014 by Delacorte Press 

Book Review
Ingrid, Gabby, Luc, Nolan and Grayson are back! Luc and Ingrid are still in their awkward phase with each other but Luc grows more soft towards Ingrid but he reminds himself that she is his human charge and he is cursed, he must protect her at all cost. 

Gabby is driven to learn how to fight . . . although no one would teach her how but nothing will stop her. She wants to protect her family and not be defenseless. 

Grayson battles his own demons and demons that are trying to hurt his family, but he doesn't know whether his intentions are consider good or bad.

The Lovely & The Lost is darker and more stir-crazy that you can't put it down! 

4 and half Cat's Tails UP! The twists in TL&TL was enough to put me on the edge of my seat wanting more and waiting for the "What will happen now?!?!"

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW
I have such a love/hate for Luc, I mean YES he's handsome and mysterious but he also SO DARN hard on himself! Yes he's Depossessed but it's clear that he's in love with Ingrid. 

While Ingrid still deals with Luc's distance, she also dealing with her father recent appearance and trying to figure out why she and her brother Grayson are so important and why they carried demon/angel blood. But she also deals with games played by the demons as well trying to stay safe. 

Gabby and Nolan are my two favorite people in the book, every time they're together there is so much spark between them you wonder how they are ever discreet. I admire Gabby in many ways, she won't take no for an answer and she wants to train to fight. She also want love. 

A lot happens in this book that became such a shock to me, first we see more sides of the Alliance which involves Nolan's father who in my opinion is crazy. Then the plan the Alliance has was crazy! 

We also meet some new and old gargoyles, we see different sides gargoyles plays a role in that make you wonder if they even play a side when they only look out for themselves.

Now since there are stuff I want to say that are spoilers I'm going to say this, everything just got harder for Luc and Ingrid as well the rest of the gang.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Cover Reveal

Book Summary

In the town of Piedmont Pointe, where paranormal is the norm, a girl can easily get herself in over her head with a single wrong move. Unfortunately for Olivia Adams, she’s about to make several.

Starting over is never easy, but it seemed like the only option to Olivia. The decision to turn her back on the Guild of Witch Hunters, the very group she devoted her entire life to, was one of the hardest things she ever did. It meant leaving her family, her friends, and her old identity behind forever. Coming to terms with what caused her to abandon her duties in the first place was even harder.

While trying to lay low and stay off the Guild’s radar, Olivia finds herself thrust back into her old ways after unknowingly interrupting an assassination hit on a powerful witch. What follows is the last thing she ever thought she’d agree to do—protect the very thing she was groomed to hunt.

To complicate things even further, Olivia begins to develop feelings for a tattoo artist who also happens to be half warlock, and no matter how hard she tries to fight it, she can’t resist her inescapable draw to him. Olivia’s forbidden relationship isn’t her only issue though, because once the mystery behind the assassination attempt starts to unravel, she’s forced to choose sides when the loyalties still tied to her past life are tested again.

So much for the idea of a fresh start.

*A New Adult Urban Fantasy Novel*

Author Bio:

Author T.A. Kunz has always had a fondness for reading thrilling mysteries and action-packed urban fantasies. So, it was no surprise when T.A. decided to write stories that they’d fall into one of those two genres. T.A. lives in Central Florida with two fur babies and a mechanical engineer who also happens to be quite the culinary badass, which there are no complaints about. Being a self-diagnosed caffeine addict, many joke that T.A.’s addiction to Starbucks coffee will likely be their downfall later in life.

New Links:

Twitter - @AuthorTAKunz

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Cat's Meow: Stacking the Shelf

Armchair BEA/BEA Expo has come to an end,while I didn't win anything from Armchair BEA like last year but that okay. Actually life took me away from doing much participating this year, I'm prepping for my upcoming trip in two weeks and there's a lot to check off and To-Do List. 

So happy book hauling all those beautiful ARCs Bloggers/Readers, they all look pretty and there's a lot of MOUSE WATCH for me :-) Trust me those ARC are Mouses. 

Moving on . . . 
It's been awhile since I've shared some books that have made it to my shelves, a couple won and purchase books. Some of my purchase books were for my trip so I won't say what they are until I have everything that I got from UtopYA Con. 

You know those pesky Goodreads Giveaways? Well after entering god knows how many, I finally won one! 
What book was it?
Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly

She even signed it to ME of SassyCat's Books Review per to my request, I thought why not? Blogger often get books that are signed with their blog title and name. 
Also isn't the inside beautiful? the light air/sea blue that highlights the book so well, now from what I know it's got MERPEOPLE and I've never read anything with that theme.

NEXT is my favorite WON book ever! Kristin Miller and I have such a great reader/author relationship, I fell in love with her Seattle Pack from the first pages of Gone with the Wolf and I stuck with her series! She had gotten these pretties in paperback and decided to host a giveway and much to her response and mine was in AWE and Shock that the randomizer picked my NAME!

I have said to Kristin that I would love a paperback of her Seattle Pack series & she said if she ever get any I'll be the first one to get it! So it works in a very funny FATED way. 

I did get bookmark of Gone with the Wolf and Four Weddings and A werewolf, but they are still inside the book . . . These are so pretty that I never want them to wear and tear, so minimum pawing/opening the pages

I finally got my copy of TMI: City of Heavenly Fire,

City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments, #6) and WOW it's a pretty thick book! I won't be reading it anytime soon since I'll be on my trip and am planning to bring a light book. So now I have every book of the TMI as well the TID which I have yet to start.

Another book to add is ORIGIN by Jessica Khoury, 
Originher book in Hardcover was in the discounted section in my store since that is the only area I'm allow to shop for now since my trip will have my biggest book haul that it will be like Christmas/Birthday all over again. 

Plus did you know that you actually save more money if you wait until after Christmas day? My family and I found that out when we were shopping on my birthday which is 3 days after Christmas. So if you don't want to break budget before Christmas try to wait out on buying them after Christmas Day.