
Saturday, June 28, 2014

UtopYA: Day One

It the offical Day One of UtopYA, full of panels, check out the exhibitors, and the Fan Invasion signing!

I had no idea what to do or where to start, except avoid the ICE room at all cost (if I can) BRRRR there was one or maybe it was two conference room that were ICE cold.

But My favorite conference room was on the 10th floor there was an whole view of the city! You could get so inspired by the view (now I'm not planning to send my characters off to Nashville but you never know in the future)

The view from the 10th floor

But then attending a panel about clumping (not in the way it sounds) clumping as find your book buddies, what Megan Curd pointed out is that we already past the ice breaker by having something in common . . . We all love books. So I reminded myself that we were or I was here because of the books and the authors that I've connected over the past four years or so. 

Then as the day went along I was ready to meet new authors that I've never heard of and meet authors that I I have heard of. Taking pictures was a challenge for me but I got them or at least I got what I could get. 

Then I needed to practice handing out my business cards, and they were a hit! Everyone love the name and the design which made it easier for author to remember who I am because of my name Kat and my card has a picture of a cat (not Buddy the cat who I miss like crazy!)

Fan Invasion Signing!
I meet so many authors, my feet didn't hurt from standing . . . the lines weren't long and I snagged a few books just before the Fan Invasion all thanks to Mom who pointed it out in interest for her as well.

I carry my brag book and got just as many and more authors to sign it! I put a lot of hard work into it and I had two authors signed on the two black pages because I ran out of time to design each pages of the book so a Silver Sharpie really turns out well when I was doubtful.

Crazy packed! And photo bombs with heavy, heavy books and swags to carry. I didn't know that swags could get that heavy!

Some authors that set up a preorder went above and beyond for those that preorder, which was awesome we got a few more goodies!

The one sad thing on Day one panels and the Fan Invasion signing, Jennifer Armentrout
As you know/heard she couldn't make it due to flights being delayed, overbooked, just beyond impatient trying to wait for an available plane and such. But she also said that with her eye condition/disease that flying isn't that good for her so she also have to place her eyes first before her fans.

I had all of the Lux books (not the volumes), Wait for Me and Trust in Me, Half Blood, & Frigid. Why did I bring that many? Well because I'm crazy about authors signing my books and she a big time author and my town or even the next state over deem to have very little interest of having BIG TIME Authors come do signing events and such.

Hopefully one day I will meet JLA, take a picture with her and possibly hug her for just being there at whatever event I'm at/she's at.

Plus I want some swag from her as well, which I'll be getting bookplates eventually from her as a gift for all of us readers/fan that had hoped she be at UtopYA.

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