
Sunday, June 29, 2014

UtopYA Con: Day two

We got more panels today and tonight is the UtopYA Awards! I slept in a little just because I didn't need to get up early to buy books.

Since the two keynotes speakers switch places, Friday was Syliva Day and today was Gennifer Albin. It always nice when authors share their struggles, their ups and downs. Gennifer probably shared one of her hardest moment in life for her and her husband.

Gennifer and I

After that I went to check out more of the exhibitors, since some were still setting up when I walked around yesterday but I was early as well but with how the panels started I didn't have much time to linger around.

The Blog Your Face off was interesting, Toni of My Book Addiction was one of the speakers and I found that it was really important that bloggers are able to pass on advices to other bloggers.

The Stellar Swag that had Carol Kunz, Heather Hildenbrand, Amy Miles, and Sarah M Ross. They shared about their thoughts and their honest on creating swags. While some had someone else do the design and swag works even Heather spent hours writing on rocks for swags and people seems to love them even though she thought that would never draw interest.

If I had to create swags, I love bookplates, bookmarks, some other sizes of books swags. I've collected many of those things so I know what I like and don't particularity care for. There are great sites to make your own swags as for me with my business cards I did that all on my own.

The best panel I like the most was the Future of YA & NA Trends, this is where I got to meet Kelly of Ink Slinger PR. I think a lot of new authors/writers worry about trends, you know vampires and werewolves were a thing and they still are but not in that big attention like Twilight was.

Kelly and I

I've told myself even when I had doubts, don't worry about trends you will drive yourself out of your mind. My characters are what they are and who they are even if something is consider DEAD. As long you love what your writing it doesn't matter, you have to have the passion to push yourself.

Well Check back for the UtopYA Awards because that needs a post all on its own,

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