
Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Cat's Meow: Stacking the Shelf

Armchair BEA/BEA Expo has come to an end,while I didn't win anything from Armchair BEA like last year but that okay. Actually life took me away from doing much participating this year, I'm prepping for my upcoming trip in two weeks and there's a lot to check off and To-Do List. 

So happy book hauling all those beautiful ARCs Bloggers/Readers, they all look pretty and there's a lot of MOUSE WATCH for me :-) Trust me those ARC are Mouses. 

Moving on . . . 
It's been awhile since I've shared some books that have made it to my shelves, a couple won and purchase books. Some of my purchase books were for my trip so I won't say what they are until I have everything that I got from UtopYA Con. 

You know those pesky Goodreads Giveaways? Well after entering god knows how many, I finally won one! 
What book was it?
Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly

She even signed it to ME of SassyCat's Books Review per to my request, I thought why not? Blogger often get books that are signed with their blog title and name. 
Also isn't the inside beautiful? the light air/sea blue that highlights the book so well, now from what I know it's got MERPEOPLE and I've never read anything with that theme.

NEXT is my favorite WON book ever! Kristin Miller and I have such a great reader/author relationship, I fell in love with her Seattle Pack from the first pages of Gone with the Wolf and I stuck with her series! She had gotten these pretties in paperback and decided to host a giveway and much to her response and mine was in AWE and Shock that the randomizer picked my NAME!

I have said to Kristin that I would love a paperback of her Seattle Pack series & she said if she ever get any I'll be the first one to get it! So it works in a very funny FATED way. 

I did get bookmark of Gone with the Wolf and Four Weddings and A werewolf, but they are still inside the book . . . These are so pretty that I never want them to wear and tear, so minimum pawing/opening the pages

I finally got my copy of TMI: City of Heavenly Fire,

City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments, #6) and WOW it's a pretty thick book! I won't be reading it anytime soon since I'll be on my trip and am planning to bring a light book. So now I have every book of the TMI as well the TID which I have yet to start.

Another book to add is ORIGIN by Jessica Khoury, 
Originher book in Hardcover was in the discounted section in my store since that is the only area I'm allow to shop for now since my trip will have my biggest book haul that it will be like Christmas/Birthday all over again. 

Plus did you know that you actually save more money if you wait until after Christmas day? My family and I found that out when we were shopping on my birthday which is 3 days after Christmas. So if you don't want to break budget before Christmas try to wait out on buying them after Christmas Day.

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