
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Armchair BEA: Day three

It's Day Three of Armchair BEA

Today Topics are Expanding Blogging Horizons & Novellas/Short Stories 

Expanding Blogging Horizons 
What do you think about when you think about going beyond blogging or expanding your horizons? Is it a redesign of your blog? Have you branched out into freelance writing or even published a novel of your very own? Or, have you moved into a different venue like podcasts or vlogging? This is the day to tell us about how you have expanded on blogging in your own unique way. 

I often think about going beyond blogging, and in a sense expanding my horizons. I am a writer but I haven't done anything in retrospect of publishing. I like to focus on my characters and figuring out what in stores for me, so I'm dedicated to forming this idea to the max. When will I publish or take that next step? I don't know I can't tell, I'd much rather get some beta readers and editors first before trying to either self-publish, go indie or traditional publish. But every one of those is a process.

I would love a resign of my blog, I want all that fanciness some bloggers have and make SassyCat's a Brand essentially. I know you think it weird that I called it a brand but think about it, you got wherever you blog, twitter, FB, tumblr, Goodreads and other social media so yes it's basically a brand of the blogger's world.

Novellas/Short Stories 
Now it is time to give a little love to those little stories in your life. Share your love for your favorite shorts of any form. What is a short story or novella that doesn’t get the attention that it deserves? Recommend to readers what shorts you would recommend they start with. How about listing some short story anthologies based upon genres or authors? 

Don't get me wrong I enjoy some Short Stories/Novellas but sometimes you wonder if it enough or needed. I read a short story written by Katie McGarry call Red at Night & it was my first 2 starts or two tails up review because I found it dull & to me it didn't create that love story dynamic like her Pushing the Limits series.  But I do want to point out that it was NOT part of the Pushing the Limits series. 

Rachel Vincent has 7 books from her Soul Screamers series, so you can expect short stories/Novellas from other characters POV. One was Sabine's POV before SS started, it gave us perceptive on Sabine's story, then there was a Sabine's and partly Emma's story on a trip. Sabine wanted to know her future, if she had a future with Nash because she always believed that Nash was her ONE. That short story gave a twist for the upcoming book of the SS where things for Kaylee changed forever. 

We see a side of Kaylee's Cousin Emma and meet a new character that eventually appears more in the full length novels. 

The fun little quirky story was "A Day In The Afterlife Of Tod" You really see how hard being a reaper is and what the life of a reaper.  Then when With All My Soul ends readers starts believing that it was the end, that was it of the SS world but Rachel surprise us with a full length novella told in Nash and Tod POV during some of the hardest time in their life during WAMS. I don't want to spoil it for those that haven't read it yet but it was totally worth adding that story. 

You can find all those short stories/novellas by Rachel in her Soul Screamers Volumes, 1, 2, 3, & 4

I haven't read much more short stories or novellas but there's tons of them for every series that I read . . . so I got time to either buy them in ebooks or if the publisher decides to make them into mass paperback or paperback.


  1. I like the thought of your blog name being a brand. Eventually if you interact with enough other bloggers and authors you'll come to be known (more than likely) by your blog name. So yeah, I see that.

    I too have Red at Night but haven't read it. Ugh - it seems I'm saying that more and more.

    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

  2. I had my blog professionally redesigned a couple of years ago for a birthday gift. It ran about $70 and I've been really pleased with it. You should definitely work on a brand. I've sort of done that, and made sure my image was consistent across the social media. Did you know there are social media coaches? Learned that from Armchair BEA visiting!

  3. I've been itching to do a blog "look" upgrade lately, but it's so hard to know which direction to go. Decisions, decisions!

  4. I redesigned about a billion times before I finally got serious about it. Eventually I went to and hired a graphic artist to design a very simple logo (which I love!) and worked from there.
    Ashley (Closed the Cover)

  5. Having a professional redesign sounds good to me. I'd love to do it with my own blog but am still not sure of what I'm doing/what I want. Branding across channels, to have that quick recognition, can draw people in, make them more apt to follow you on various medias. Good luck!

  6. I like the thought of SassyCat being a brand. It's a distinctive name that I think would do well with SEO.

    ABEA has exposed me to so many different types of blogs. I am not sure what I would in terms of redesign. My blog is very new so I think that I have some time to think about it.
