
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Armchair BEA: Author Interaction

I interact with authors all the time, whether its on Twitter or Facebook, but Rachel Vincent is usually found on Twitter more than Facebook. If you don't know her here's a little info about Rachel herself,

Photo credit: Kim Haynes PhotographyRachel Vincent is the author of the Shifters series and the Unbound series, from Mira Books, as well as the young adult Soul Screamers series from Harlequin Teen. Upcoming projects include Menagerie, the first in a new series for adults (Mira Books, Sept 30, 2014) and a brand new young adult series coming from Delacorte Press (Random House) in the spring of 2015.
In addition to being a writer and a reader, Rachel is a wife, mother, sister, daughter, cousin, cat lover, horror fan, former high school English teacher, former band nerd, amateur baker, and current lover of all things The Walking Dead (comics, TV show, action figures, and video games). She wears jeans, drinks flavored coffee, and would be completely nocturnal, if her kids didn’t have to get to school in the morning.
Questions for Rachel? You can leave a comment in her blog, or ask her something on Formspring.

Shifters Series[UF/Adult] (6), Unbound Trilogy{UF/Adult] (3) & Soul Screamers [YA] (7)


Rachel Vincent twitter interactions
Rachel is such an awesome author! She constantly tease us with the tiniest snippet of her books, she's the one author that I so want to meet at some point but I love interacting with her on Twitter. Here's a conversation that I had with her in and got her wheels turning.

Here's the headline of our conversation . . . an YA Shifter book. Imagine Faythe Sanders at 16 years old . . .

So yep that was the conversation we had and it was a fun and interactive conversation, even a few other readers jump in as well. I know Rachel is busy working on her new books/series but you never know, she just might surprise us with writing an YA Shifter book.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you focused on how one author works as well as your personal story.
