
Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine Mini Challenge: Day Five

 Valentine’s Mini Book Blogger Challenge

Well it's the finally the last day of Parajunkee's View, Valentine Mini Challenges and it's also VALENTINE"S DAY!!!! So to start off, I'd like to catch you up on what this Mini Challenge had challenged me . . . 
Day 1 – Let us have it. Your Book Boyfriend List.  (And I mean all of them!)
Day 2 – The HOTTEST scene you have ever read in a book.
Day 3 – The CHEESIEST ROMANCE scenes or topics you have read in a book.
Day 4 – Love-triangles. The ones that worked for you, The ones that didn’t.
 Day 5 
"Most romantic books you’ve ever read"

Contemporary Favorites 

 Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits, #1)Dare You To (Pushing the Limits, #2)Crash into You (Pushing the Limits, #3)
When I heard about Katie McGarry's Pushing the Limits, it was all abuzz and I knew that I had to pick up her first and debut book "Pushing the Limits" Where I meet Echo and Noah, two very complicated life and all they wanted was each other to hide away from all the bad.  The first book also introduce Noah's closest friends/practically like siblings, Beth and Isaiah. 

Dare You To was all about Beth's hard knock life and we also meet Ryan and learn about "On the outside looking in" The cover really took me away and there were the sweetest and most romantic rain scenes between Ryan and Beth.  

Isaiah is the bad boy, we knew from the beginning he was deeply in love with Beth but they weren't right for each other. Rachel was the girl Isaiah needed and Isaiah was what Rachel need to be herself. Crash Into You was the spontaneous chemistry that grew every second that Rachel and Isaiah were with each other.

Katie's characters are describe as the polar opposite, Opposites attract that works . . . they were all my favorite Romantic books to read.

Another favorie of mine . . .

Gone with The Wolf

Gone with the Wolf (Seattle Wolf Pack, #1)

The Romance between Drake and Emelia was so heart-warming, it one the first thing I love about them. Emelia is this thriving woman who will stand for what's she believe in and Drake is blown away by Emelia's fierceness. These two have such amazing romance with each other, because they are soul mates. They complements each other in every way. One of my favorite part was the ending . . . Drake gives her a ring and she gives him the biggest news ever.  

These books were in my "book" the most Romantic books I have read (so far)

Also Happy Valentine's day to everyone! Here's a card from me

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