
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Best Posts: Day Eleven

It's day eleven of the 15 Days Book Blogger Challenge, thanks to April of Good Books and Good Wine for bring it up in the blogosphere. We are just loving the challenge.
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Good Books And Good Wine
Pick out my top 5 best posts
I'm going to introduce my new feature called Mouse Watch . . . After deciding after I was composing my Book Releases post for the month of July, I wanted to create another post just specifially on a few books that I can't wait to get my paws on

Armchaire BEA Day Two: After I heard the buzz abotu Armchaire BEA I had to find out more and decided to join in on the fun, one of my best post was the Blogger Development and Fiction.

Gone with the Wolf Review, I love everything about this book and the author is truly amazing, so I can't wait to read her next Settla Wolf Pack and hopefully next time I can ask some questions. Also this was my first blog book tour and was super excited to see my post on the author fb page.

With All My Soul Review, the last of the Soul Screamers series and I weeped for days wishing there was more of Kaylee and Tod. But every series has to end at some point and a mutal point with the author and with the readers.

Part of the 15 Days Book Blogger Challenge, what tears jerker book would you recommend? I had to pick IF I DIE because this was the turning point for the character in a lot of way and new dynamics for the characters as well. I'm sure I'll get everyone agreement once they read the book.

Who doesn't love cover reveals? espically when you're one of the peeps that actually get to see it early and also put it out to the world! I have two of my favorite cover reveals post, one being Megan Curd's Steel Lily Cover and I love the book! Granted for ARC copy! Then I have Jennifer L Armentrout Origin Cover Reveal. Origin is book #4 for the Lux Series and I've read book 1 and two and is dying to read book #3 when I have the time.
So what are your top 5 post? Link them in the comments and share it!

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