
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Kitty Blitz: Lucidity

It's the Final book to The Raven Chronicles Trilogy, the one that we all been waiting for . . . 

It's officially here! Lucidity the second and final book of the Raven Chronicles by Stephanie Thomas, as you know an author can have their ups and downs with their books. Sadly Stephanie's plan with the Raven Chronicles had some downs so after figuring out how to end the series, basically rewrite book two which would then lead to the final book 2 of the Raven Chronicles.

Lucidity (The Raven Chronicles #2) by Stephanie Thomas

Lucidity (The Raven Chronicles, #2)Beatrice never thought she’d find herself in the middle of Aura, the city of her sworn enemy, the Dreamcatchers. Nor did she never think she’d abandon everything she’d ever known and everyone she’d ever loved to blindly follow Echo, the Dreamcatcher Prince. Gabe would never forgive her, if he lives, and nor will any of the Seers. 

Upon arriving, Beatrice is quickly thrown into the Dreamcatcher Queen’s self-serving plot to save Aura from a disastrous plague, and Bea’s anticipated return to the City is becoming less likely every day she is held captive and subjected to the epidemic.

Her Visions are the key to the cure, but when her Seer friends show up in Aura as well, Beatrice must learn to balance her precarious friendship and loyalty to both her people and the promise she made to help Echo’s people. 

As Beatrice navigates these new people and customs, she learns that there are more than just the Seers, Dreamcatchers and Citizens left in the world…and whomever is out there wants to eliminate all of their competition — including her.

Release date February 7th, 2015

Where you can purchase Lucidity

I'm currently reading the ARC right now and it really blowing me away with just how indepth this book really is and I can see why there's is so much considering its the final book. I can't wait to write the review.
In case you haven't see my reviews of her other books, here you go!
The Keeper 

About Stephanie Thomas
Stephanie Thomas has been writing ever since she could put letters together to form words. When she was a small child, she would present her mother and father with self-made newspapers filled up with make believe stories and pictures. Her love for writing followed her all throughout her schooling, where she entered and won writing contests of all sorts. Stephanie decided to become an English teacher and completed her B.A. at The Pennsylvania State University. While teaching, she later went on to get her Master’s in writing from The Johns Hopkins University. She completed her very first manuscript during her graduate studies, and by the end of the program, she had completed two more. Stephanie is quick to tell anyone that she’s a born and raised Philadelphian, and her heart will always belong there. She moved to Baltimore with her husband, and they’ve been living there for the last five years with their doggie, Sailor.

Where you can fine Stephanie
Facebook Author Page
The Raven Chronicles Facebook Page

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