
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Top 10 of 2015: Best Couples

Today is Best ___ of 2015 and today I chose couples although I'm terrifed of writing this post because a lot of the couples I have a really hard time explaining!

So going from my top favorite to eh I like them but forgot entirely what I like about them (remember a whole year has gone!)

 Losing It (Losing It, #1)

1. Bliss and Garret from Losing it by Cora Carmack. 
  Garrett has a BRITISH ACCENT!!! Do I really need to say more?
Bliss is one lucky women!

 Thirty-Five and a Half Conspiracies (Rose Gardner Mystery, #8)

2. Rose and Mason from the Rose Gardner series by Denise Grover Swank 
 Rose and Mason are typically honest with each other and they both love each other unconditional but there's a little heartbreaker in 35 & a half conspiracies that leaves me as a Team Mason fan heartbroken.

Redesigned (Off the Subject, #2)

3. Caroline and Reed from Off the Subject series also by Denise Grover Swank  
These two seriously are soulmates! 

 Beauty and the Werewolf (San Francisco Wolf Pack, #2)

4. Jack and Isabelle from Beauty and the Werewolf by Kristin Miller
 Jack and Isabelle had a lot of hurdles to go through in order to be together and sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the one you love the most.

 Killer Instinct (The Naturals, #2)

5. Cassie and Dean from The Naturals series by Jennifer Lynn Barnes 
Now these two just got together, but honestly I saw it coming with these two finally got together. Although with Dean's troubled past it might put up some trust issues between them.

The Stars Never Rise (The Stars Never Rise, #1)

6. Nina and Finn from The Stars Never Rise by Rachel Vincent 
Although these two are kind of in that unsure stages and with Finn's freaky situation, I wonder how it's going to work between them.  But hey at least he's not that easy to kill right?

Inspire (The Muse, #1)

7.  Kalliope and Wilder from Inspire also by Cora Carmack  
 A muse entangle love, but Wilder certainly feels something more that her inspirations but inspirations can be deathly.  He's determine to show Kalliope that it's true love from the heart.

 Lion's Share (Wildcats, #1)

8. Abby and Jace from Lion's Share also by Rachel Vincent 
Honestly this surprise me with the pairing but I'm glad that Jace has found someone and that Abby has been able to trust Jace with her heart.

Wicked (A Wicked Saga, #1)

9. Ivy and Ren from Wicked by Jennifer L Armentrout/J Lynn
 AND this one I don't remember too much of but I love the book since I gave it a Purrfect review. 

Is there a number 10? Not based on the books I read this years since a lot of them were focused on the Rose Gardner series.

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