
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Holiday Blogging: Day Five

Holiday Blogging Challenge 
It's Day Five of Holiday Blogging! Today post is on Holiday traditions. 

There's a few Holiday tradition in my family, they're small but still traditions. 

For years and years we would always buy my mom Kmart Christmas bears (although there are some years missing) But we always buy one or two for her every year or at least we try too. This is this year collection, I actually scored a lot of the years we were missing in a garage sale! and so ALL bears are displayed. 
When trying to do an offical account on the note I made there's at least 50 bears if not more and there's three more to still add! 

Another BIG BIG tradition is getting me Barbie ornaments, yes almost every years since a kid I have always gotten an Barbie Hallmark Ornament in series. HOWEVER I don't have the ones from the early 90s and I am desperatley missing the 2009 one.

2009 was huge milestone for me, I graduated high school and started college, but I guess that particular barbie was set out in the month of JULY and people went and brought them right away and then if I do ever want to buy that one I'll have to pay an Arm and a leg because they're marking it as close to $100 to $300! 

So that's it for our holiday traditions!

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