
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Book Review: Beauty and The Werewolf

Beauty and The Werewolf (San Francisco Wolf Pack #2) 
by Kristin Miller

Beauty and the Werewolf (San Francisco Wolf Pack, #2)A paranormal category romance from Entangled's Covet imprint...

This lone wolf falls hard...for his enemy.

Unmated werewolves don't normally live past three hundred years old...and billionaire Jack MacGrath is cutting it close. Sure, he has almost everything-the respect of his peers, a mansion in San Francisco, a private jet, and fast cars. But without a mate, Jack's in trouble. Then he sees her. Gorgeous, proud...and his enemy.

Isabelle Connelly is good at hiding things from her father. Like her success as a painter, or the incredibly intense attraction she has to Jack MacGrath. After all, she's royalty and falling for anyone lesser-to say nothing of a rival pack-would be, er, unseemly. Now she must choose between her duty to her family and her pack...or her perfect fated mate.

Published August 25th 2015 by Entangled Publishing, LLC (Covet)



When two share a passion for art, you wonder if its fate bringing them together

For Isabelle she's on the hunt to find certain Art pieces that means the most to her, a piece of herself inside those paintings.

Jack McGrath gave up on finding his luminary, and with only a window of times he fell in love with a certain artist that has captured his soul.  

What he would give to meet this artist.

Both Isabelle and Jack come from two different worlds but has one thing in common and that is ART, but is their passion for Art just a coincidence or an act of fate? 

I give this 5 Cat's Tails Up, Beauty and the Werewolf is unlike anything that Kristin had wrote in her Wolf Packs world, in my perspective there was a little bit of a Nicolas Sparks and Titanic art lovers Jack and Rose influences.

MEOW . . .  MEOW . . .  MEOW

When I read Isabelle and Jack's story, I really like how much passion they had for art. But I also like the two different world they come from, Isabelle is from Ireland and her pack is in Ireland which was really new for Kristin to bring in someone from outside the US.

Jack's story is string along with bad reputation, but when he meets Isabelle who listed everything she ever heard about the McGrath so she's is inclined to believe his words. However when Jack offers to help Isabelle find crucial pieces for an exhibits she putting together she is shocked that he has exactly what she's looking for.


There's a twist that I saw compare to the other stories that Kristin writes for this world, but sadly its a spoiler so I can't say what the twist is! But as you know both Jack and Isabella are luminary but clearly there's some disbelieving among Isabelle.

Isabelle reveals a truth in why she has a love for art and why it's important she obtain certain art pieces, but something goes south for Isabelle that she's has to return home and take the Arts that Jack offers she could borrow but then Jack felt the need to travel to Ireland and speak to the big guy himself, Isabelle's father and alpha of the Ireland pack to confess his love for his daughter.

The ending was kind of superb, with an auction that brought Isabelle and Jack back together again and an final letter from Isabelle's father. Both Jack and Isabelle finally are together as luminary, and the goal in the end was to get the Ireland Pack to accept Jack into the pack.  Another note about this book was the fact that Isabelle was next to become alpha after her father, and in the end she's became alpha of the Ireland pack. GO GIRL GO!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Hide & Seek: Dead of Night

DEAD OF NIGHT book one of the Aftershock Novels
AUTHOR : Carlyle Labuschagne
PUBLISHER: Fire Quill Publishing

Dead of night has be re signed to Firequill Publshing
with new edits and a new subplot.
Releasing soon!

In a dark and desolated After Earth, love still does exist, but the cost of bearing such a flaw is death.

World War III has left Earth in utter turmoil. People’s beliefs are said to be the cause of the worldwide destruction. After The Clearing new laws are set about - to show certitude in anything besides the law is weak and chargeable as mutiny. To be illogical and have faith in religion is illegal, to be limitless is dangerous. And Illness is seen as a defect – all flaws that are inexcusable.
But to love is the greatest betrayal of all man kind. It is a fault the world has long forgotten and punishable by death, a fatal risk Aecker and Opel are fully prepared to take - because in love there is freedom. But how far can they push back before it claims their lives and of those they care about?

Follow the author

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Book Review: The Secret of Ella & Micha

The Secret of  Ella and Micha (The Secret #1) by Jessica Sorensen

The Secret of Ella and Micha (The Secret, #1)If you loved Beautiful Disaster then you're ready to discover . . .

A rule-breaker with a fiery attitude, Ella always wore her heart on her sleeve. Then she left everything behind to go to college, where she transformed into someone who follows the rules, keeps everything together, and hides all her problems. Now it's summer break and she has nowhere else to go but home. But once there, Ella fears that everything she's worked so hard to bury might resurface-especially with Micha living right next door.

Smart, sexy, and confident, Micha can get under Ella's skin like no one else. He knows everything about her, including her darkest secrets. If he tries to tempt the old Ella to return, he will be impossible to resist. But what Ella doesn't realize is that when she left, she took a piece of Micha's heart with her. Now he's determined to win back the girl he lost, no matter what it takes.

Paperback, 309 pages

Published March 26th 2013 by Forever (first published 2012)

Ella and Micha's life aren't all sunshine and daisies. Ella's life was ripped between losing her mother and dealing with her drunken father and an brother who ran as far away quickly as possible.

Micha is raised by a single mother, with a father out of the picture until now all the sudden that father attempt to make contact.

Both Ella and Micha are face with dark past, but only they can be the light within one another. 

Can they both find true happiness? 

I give this an 3.5 Cat Tails Up, I don't personally read broken characters type books so this was slightly hard to digest but overall I did like it. I do plan on continuing the series. 

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW

I've never read any books that had such raw characters that were fighting their own inner demons, and were hiding who they really were as a person. For Ella she spent her time hiding her past and recreating an new identify for herself while Micha went through some rough patches and had to face some hard times but all those reasons why he took an 180 degree turn was because of Ella.

I can see that both Ella and Micha were the best of friends and they never really cross that line of being friends until one night where everything changed.

Ella disappears off the face of the earth but then when summer breaks comes along, she is force to head back home a place where she just want to leave behind. She and her roommate are driving back to her roommate's house and Ella's little town is on the way. The day or night she arrive back home, suddenly everyone knows she's back including Micha.

Micha had his ups and downs but the only thing that would fix that was Ella, when she disappeared his whole world collapse.  Then when she finally reappear he going to do everything he can to show her that they belong to one another no matter how messed up their world is.

 These two are clearly drawn to one another, while Ella feels that she is too broken to be anything sort of a girlfriend or be relationship materials Micha sets out to tell her that being herself is all he needs. Micha on the otherhands never had to face his own inner demons until his father tries to make contact.

Overall this book was about "broken" characters that are trying to find the light at the end of the tunnel. I'd personally don't read books like this but it gives me more of a reason to continue Ella and Micha's journey in life after have finding each other and being with each other makes them the happiest they could ever be.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Book Review: Visions

Visions (Cainsville #2) by Kelley Armstrong

Visions (Cainsville, #2)
As #1 New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong’s new Cainsville series continues, Olivia’s power to read omens leads to the discovery of a gruesome crime with troubling connections to her new hometown.

Omens, the first installment in Kelley Armstrong’s exciting new series, introduced Olivia Taylor-Jones, daughter of notorious serial killers, and Gabriel Walsh, the self-serving, morally ambiguous lawyer who became her unlikely ally. Together, they chased down a devious killer and partially cleared her parents of their horrifying crimes.

Their success, however, is short-lived. While Olivia takes refuge in the old, secluded town of Cainsville, Gabriel’s past mistakes have come to light, creating a rift between the pair just when she needs his help the most.

Olivia finds a dead woman in her car, dressed to look like her, but the body vanishes before anyone else sees it. Olivia’s convinced it’s another omen, a sign of impending danger. But then she learns that a troubled young woman went missing just days ago—the same woman Olivia found dead in her car. Someone has gone to great lengths to kill and leave this young woman as a warning. But why? And what role has her new home played in this disturbing murder?

Olivia’s effort to uncover the truth places her in the crosshairs of old and powerful forces, forces that have their own agenda, and closely guarded secrets they don’t want revealed.
Hardcover, 448 pages

Published August 19th 2014 by Dutton (first published August 14th 2014)

Olivia's life change in a blink of an eye, having the socialite life, about to be married to her fiance then her whole identity is revealed. 

Olivia reads Omens as if they were embedded in her head, but she doesn't understand why she know it or understands it. 

There's a new case . . . that means Olivia and Gabriel are working together once again but is there something much deeper that lies in the case? 

The Elders of Cainsville are watching Olivia and Gabriel closely . . . But what's their plan? 

Olivia's strange visitor gives her warnings . . .

I give this an 4 Cats Tail Up, overall Visions was stack with legendary plans and even more secrets that still have yet to be revealed.

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW
Okay book two of Cainsville series by Kelley Armstrong, I have to say there was much more omens that Olivia kept seeing, she even got to a point to think how does she know about omens and legends? Why were they hammered inside her head? Only her birth mother Pamela Larsen would know . . .

Gabriel seems to have grown more protective of Olivia and even his aunt believes that destiny has it written somewhere that they should be together as a couple and not just work-related mutual friends.

Olivia's ex-fiance is stirring up trouble, and with his uprising political campaigns he need Olivia to be seen socially balanced. But when James starts having Gabriel keep a close tabs on Olivia without her knowledge, Olivia is stuck wondering what is it that James truly wants. And is feeling somewhat betrayed by Gabriel.

Also with Gabriel I believes develop some sort of interest to Olivia although she's currently seeing Ricky Gallagher. When I read Gabriel's POV in Chapter 56, you see another side of him but what's his real hesitation about opening up to people? I know he was abandoned by his mother and there wasn't really a father in the picture. So maybe being on his own cause him to be very private and almost sort of hermit-like from others  but with Olivia it seems he wants to be more than just friends.

Olivia starts dating Ricky Gallagher, who is the son of a the Saints biker club and those two hit it off right away. The little bike ride was Ricky has some personal knowledge of omens and other legends and he's someone that won't push Olivia to share every single detail about her.

Patrick, Patrick, Patrick . . . what are your tricks? The fact that he knows so much but only is willing to answers so questions or simply neither deny or know.  Even the Elders are weary of him but with Olivia

The ending was a twist! I really did not expect that but it all fits with the fact that nothing in Cainsville is consider normal. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Book Review: Killer Instinct

Killer Instict (The Naturals #2) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Killer Instinct (The Naturals, #2)Seventeen-year-old Cassie Hobbes has a gift for profiling people. Her talent has landed her a spot in an elite FBI program for teens with innate crime-solving abilities, and into some harrowing situations. After barely escaping a confrontation with an unbalanced killer obsessed with her mother’s murder, Cassie hopes she and the rest of the team can stick to solving cold cases from a distance.

But when victims of a brutal new serial killer start turning up, the Naturals are pulled into an active case that strikes too close to home: the killer is a perfect copycat of Dean’s incarcerated father—a man he’d do anything to forget. Forced deeper into a murderer’s psyche than ever before, will the Naturals be able to outsmart the enigmatic killer’s brutal mind games before this copycat twists them into his web for good?

With her trademark wit, brilliant plotting, and twists that no one will see coming, Jennifer Lynn Barnes will keep readers on the edge of their seats (and looking over their shoulders) as they race through the pages of this thrilling novel.

Hardcover, 375 pages

Published November 4th 2014 by Disney-Hyperion

Just when everything was returning back to normal . . . another killer is on the loose. 
But how do you track the killer when using the same MO as another killer?

 Is it an Master & Apprentice?

Cassie and the rest of the Naturals aren't suppose to be on this case but when this case hits close to home with one of the Naturals, you wonder how dangerous this case could become.

Dealing with the repercussion of the past . . .

Cassie once again becomes a target

I give this an 5 Cat's Tails Up, I love the heighten thrill of danger in this book!

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW

Just when you think that you're out of danger, it's take you right back in. College students are the victims, the killer M.O. is closely resembles to another widely known killer Daniel Redding what's worst is that the police believe that its an copycat that is infatuated with this killer's profile.

Cassie and the rest of The Naturals crew are kind of on edge after Cassie's psycho aunt was inside the inner circle and nearly cost Cassie's life as well Dean and Michael.  So there's a need to tightens the need for better security and a trust worthy agent.

Walks in Agent Locke, she means business . . .

As the book progress, you see that you can't always bury the past and Dean have tried very hard to bury his dark past. But with this new killer abroad that has an infatuating of his father's crime, now Dean must go to his father and find out whose been visiting him and who he may have shared his work.

Getting the truth out of a killer means a web of lies . . .

Cassie and Dean have slowly became a little bit closer but with Cassie being torn between Dean and Michael she's not sure where she stands. She knows that Dean's father is a killer but she just never knew just how skilled he was as a killer and part of Dean's past is revealed.

Dean must face the guy that is part of his DNA, but during the first meet . . . Daniel Redding got personal, way too personal that set Dean off.  But as Cassie and everyone tries to find out whose behind all the killing and just as they thought they were getting close to the actual killer . . . they were sadly wrong.

The ending of the book did add a little cliff hanger between characters, Dean and Cassie KISSED for the "second" time and Dean was slowly opening up. I wonder what ALL IN will focus on other than it's taken place in Las Vegas and where the characters stands especially where Dean and Cassie will stand.

Now overall the pace of this book was great! not a dull moment. However as I write this review I just notice that this book is revolve around Dean's father as the first book was revolves around Cassie's Mother murder so I'm sensing that the next book(s) will revolve around everyone that is a Natural and have some personal connections.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Book Review: The Witches of Blackbrook

The Witches of BlackBrook by Tish Thawer

The Witches of BlackBrook
Through space and time, sisters entwined. Lost then found, souls remain bound.

Three sisters escape the Salem witch trials when the eldest casts a spell that hurtles their souls forward through time. After centuries separated, fate has finally reunited them in the present day.

One the healer, one the teacher, and one the deceiver.

Will their reunion return their full powers, or end their souls journey forever?

A Witches of BlackBrook novel.
Published June 23rd 2015 by Amber Leaf Publishing


"Through space and time, sisters entwined. Lost then found, souls remain bound."

When a powerful spell was cast, three sisters souls were parted . . . 

Trin and Kit has been on the search for their sister for so many years that they were beginning to lose hope in finding her.
Trin believes that something been lurking around preventing her from finding her sister until she really find out the truth behind why the struggles of finding her sister has lasted for so many years.

Evil spent years keeping the sisters apart and draining one sister's magic in the process, but now that the bond has fused back together it will do anything to keep them apart. 

Attempt to weaken the bond. 

Blood is thicker than water, Sisterhood is stronger than evil

I give this an 4.5 Cat's Tails Up, I really enjoy this book and really love the aspect of the book it presented.

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW

This book is all about WITCHES!!!
It's been forever since I've read a book that had witches in them, I was a BIG BIG fan of Charmed and had read some books that were based on the series and some episodes. With Tish's The Witches of Blackbrook turns out to be about three sisters that ended up getting place in other bodies as their souls passed on. For Trin she been looking for her third sister with Kit and she suspects that something was blocking the magic from finding her.

Trin meet Jason Hardy an Officer, right away she feel an instant connection to him but not sure why she does. At work Trin meet Caris who happens to be Jason's cousin in for a massage and another strange feeling happens. With Caris it's more and Trin wonders if it's her missing sister.

What made this book great was the way Tish ties in old past life/memories of the sisters and then show an evil lurking around the sisters, particularity an sister. When Caris reveals something to Trin about why Trin couldn't find her third sister, it becomes a shock to her.

Now that Trin found her sisters they have to deal with the evil that is trying to keep them apart, because as you know there's that saying . . .

"Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer."

 The build up of magic being released and the bonding of sisterhood, nothing can defeat them.

When sisters Trin, Caris and Kennedy are finally back together, evil will do anything to break that bond.

With Jason being Trin's lover interest, you have to wonder why she feels an instant connection to him? Maybe that powerful spell did more than cast the sisters's souls through time. When Jason's identity is revealed, he too admits to have spent just as many years searching for her as she did searching for her sisters. 

With the interchange POVs got you to see what the others were thinking rather than have it one POVs and  be one side of the story. Clearly the mystery lies within the different POVs throughout time.

Tish really did the interchange of time really well along with the characters, the only ones I wished she did a little more on was Kennedy because of her personality changes throughout the years of time and space. But also a little with Kit because she is always AWOL in the book!

After I had finished this book, I really thought that it was a stand-alone and I was like "It can't be a stand-alone!" so I eagerly message Tish asking her if it was because I think more can happen. She neither deny nor confirm that there's a second book in the works but she did say that she has thought about it. So we will see!

Overall I enjoyed the book, it felt like a reunion with my love for witches after Charmed has ended so many years ago. I'm the same way for ER and nothing in the TV world has generate my interest that might be consider similar concept to ER or Charmed.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hide & Seek: To The Stars

We are absolutely thrilled to bring you the Cover Reveal for Molly McAdams' TO THE STARS! TO THE STARS is a Contemporary Romance and is the 2nd book in the Thatch Series, published by William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins. It is due to be released on November 17th, 2015! Pre-order your copy today!


Pre-Order Your Copy Today!

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  About TO THE STARS: In the second book in New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Molly McAdams’ Thatch series, Knox Alexander must convince his long-time love Harlow Evans that they’re meant to be together. He promised to wait for her. She told him he was wasting his time. Not waiting for him ended up being the biggest mistake of her life. When they were younger, Knox Alexander swore to Harlow Evans that he would wait for her to turn eighteen so they could be together. But that was two and a half years away, and Harlow couldn’t ask him to give up all the fun and thrills of going away to college for her. As the years passed, Knox remained a constant in her life—whether she liked it or not—but when her eighteenth birthday came around, Harlow’s heart belonged to someone else. Every day for the last four years, Harlow has been haunted by that fateful choice. And though he may appear unaffected by what happened in their past, Knox has always tried to fill the void Harlow left. But when he comes stumbling back into her life and refuses to leave, will Harlow finally let him into her heart…?


And don’t miss the first book in the Thatch Series…

Letting Go - cover


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    Author PhotoAbout Molly McAdams: Molly grew up in California but now lives in the oh-so-amazing state of Texas with her husband, daughter, and fur babies. When she's not diving into the world of her characters, some of her hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, traveling, and long walks on the beach … which roughly translates to being a homebody with her hubby and dishing out movie quotes. She has a weakness for crude-humored movies and fried pickles, and loves curling up in a fluffy comforter during a thunderstorm ... or under one in a bathtub if there are tornados. That way she can pretend they aren't really happening.        

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Monday, August 10, 2015

The Cat's Meow: Penned Con

I'd figure I better do a recap of my week in St. Louis, attending Penned Con. I had heard about Penned Con last year and knew that was going to be one thing I would want to do in the future. As it turns out I won tickets to go to Penned Con!

I was glad that I went after not being able to go to UtopYA this year so I did really catch up with some great authors that I had met the year before. If you don't know Penned Con is co-founded by husband/wife Amy Miles and Rick Miles. While I had the pleasure of meeting Amy, her husband was running around making sure everything was running smoothly.

I met some new and old friends along with finally meeting up with authors that I've been friends on facebook for over a year. I tried to pass out my blogger card as often as I could but it was hard among the chaos! I attend not just the two day Penned Con, I also attended Teen Day which was nice and met some new people during that. Then as you would know I drag my mom with me toward the end of Teen Day because there was a private book signing and I picked up most of my pre-orders books. To think I only started out only making three pre-orders I came home with a lot more.

NOTE: Invested in a rolling suitcase or a cart/wagon. Trust me your arms will thank you.

What I did this year apart from attending my first book convention was wearing my Cat ears, yes I wore Cat's ears that I had since elementary school and it still fit! People pretty much knew me on the spot without really having to look at my name tag.

Some advice that I learn from the authors on panels

"Write what you want to read . . . don't always follow the trends."

"Only you can write your story."

"Write . . . Write . . . Write . . ." 

Those key quotes I take to heart, because no one can write my stories. Trends? Why would I want to follow Trends where my books might only get minimal recognition? I want to be outside the box and outside of the Trends. I think it's best that no matter what our book consists of that it might have already been done by other authors, yours is unique in its own way.

I know writing is a craft and you can't rush it, while the book that I've been working on since late 2013? I've done two edits/revisions with it and gain about 5,000k during my recent revisions. I know it's not quite done but I'm hoping that it will be very soon and then figure out the plan after it "done". I am trying to work on book two of this book series I have but I'm still learning and plotting out what book two will consist.

I love being back in St. Louis, it's been 9 years since the last time I've been here and of course it is chaos like there were different bridge that we never took and our GPS couldn't find certain streets or we couldn't find certain streets. But we made it!

Out of all the authors that were there, Denise Grover Swank was the one I was most excited to meet. I love almost all her books and by what I mean almost I mean the books I haven't read yet by her. I took home the entire Rose Gardner Series (almost went home missing Ripple of Secrets but I got it!) Then towards the end of the event I brought the Off the Subject Series just because.

I had to track down Mindy Ruiz because she's KILLING me with the wait of Lying Cheating Heart the 2nd book of her Game of Heart series. But she told me that it's almost there! Coming out in September!

I have said this before leaving for Penned Con is that my facebook friend list will grow after Penned Con is over and it's still growing as authors recover from Penned Con, catch up on work and social media and all that other good stuff.

I love connecting with authors, readers, bloggers . . .  I love having a common interest with people because I don't often find it. I hope down the road that I'll meet someone that will love all the craziness that I have with my books and authors/blogger friends and know that is part of my personality.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Book Review: Losing It

Losing It (Losing It #1) by Cora Carmack

Losing It (Losing It, #1) Virginity.

Bliss Edwards is about to graduate from college and still has hers. Sick of being the only virgin among her friends, she decides the best way to deal with the problem is to lose it as quickly and simply as possible-- a one-night stand. But her plan turns out to be anything but simple when she freaks out and leaves a gorgeous guy alone and naked in her bed with an excuse that no one with half-a-brain would ever believe. And as if that weren’t embarrassing enough, when she arrives for her first class of her last college semester, she recognizes her new theatre professor. She’d left him naked in her bed about 8 hours earlier.

Paperback, 288 pages

Published February 26th 2013 by William Morrow (first published January 1st 2012)

Bliss Edwards is on her last semester of college and she's the only one that still has the V-card status, determine to change that she goes out to the bars.

Brushing up on Shakespeare Garrick didn't think he would attract girls that way but Bliss Edwards caught his eyes.

Almost having an one night stand meant everything for Bliss, but she couldn't bring herself to do it so she tells Garrick to leave and that would be the end of it.

But then both Garrick and Bliss learn something about each other that pushes the professional boundary.

Can they keep their true relationship a secret from other colleagues or will something threaten to them and be exposed?

I give this an PURRFECT PURRFEST! I absolutely adore/love Garrick and Bliss, I really love Cora's writing because it feels so authentic with these characters.

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW

First off let me just go PURRRRR on this book! I read it on my way back home from a trip, it was an 10 hour drive and I ended up reading the whole book between 2-4 hours! I DEVOURED Losing It, Cora Carmack knows how to write young adults that are venturing out looking for a little hook up or maybe a little relationship.

Also WHY can't Cora create a real life Garrick and send him to me?!?! I would die to date someone with an sexy accent.

Bliss Edwards is in her final semester and she still hadn't gotten action yet, her own mother pester her about dating and getting out there. Well with it being Bliss's last semester at her Texas college she thought maybe, just maybe she might get lucky.

Well she got lucky alright . . .  Meet Garrick Taylor the sexy hot British guy who was reading Shakespeare in a bar! Now I don't care about Shakespeare but I love Bliss's reaction.

Boom they share a common love/hate for Shakespeare, meanwhile Bliss's overbearing virginity status got her thinking crazy. But crazy works for both of them . . . however Bliss can't seem to stop rambling! I mean Garrick already finds you sexy so why are you letting your status ruin it?

AND that was the END of Seeing Garrick . . . or so I thought but when he does make a comeback into Bliss's life BUT here's the KICKER, he's her teacher for one of her class! AWKWARD! However when trying to be professional and keeping their little relationship under wraps, Bliss's friends are trying to get her out and about meeting guys right in front of him. But what's worst was that Bliss friend Cade starts acting very touchy touchy.

I had an sense that Cade was into Bliss in the beginning but why hadn't he build up the courage to asks her out BEFORE she met Garrick. He even started acting boyfriendish around Bliss although that status quo was not even in existence for Bliss.

Both Bliss and Garrick can't control the insane chemistry they have for one another but because of the professional level that they really can't cross that boundary but they do it anyway in secretly. They risked everything pretty much to be together and then they get into a huge argument in front of Cade who realizes the truth about the two of them.

In the end I love the end FYI, I even love the epilogue that takes place 6 months later and Garrick being head over heels for Bliss. I really hope that Cora will do something to tied up where everyone stands, and after reading Garrick and Bliss's story I had two crazy fan-fic Idea for Garrick and Bliss! Like it's truly is perfect so hopefully I will be able to share that or submit that to the RT Fan-Fic contest for 2016

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Book Review: The Heir

The Heir (Selection #4) by Kiera Cass

The Heir (The Selection, #4)Princess Eadlyn has grown up hearing endless stories about how her mother and father met. Twenty years ago, America Singer entered the Selection and won the heart of Prince Maxon—and they lived happily ever after. Eadlyn has always found their fairy-tale story romantic, but she has no interest in trying to repeat it. If it were up to her, she'd put off marriage for as long as possible.

But a princess's life is never entirely her own, and Eadlyn can't escape her very own Selection—no matter how fervently she protests.

Eadlyn doesn't expect her story to end in romance. But as the competition begins, one entry may just capture Eadlyn's heart, showing her all the possibilities that lie in front of her... and proving that finding her own happily ever after isn't as impossible as she's always thought.
Hardcover, Barnes and Noble Special Edition with Bonus Scenes, 346 pages
Published May 5th 2015 by Harper Teen (first published January 1st 2015)


Seven minutes . . . It only took seven minutes to change the Royal's nation. 

Eighteen year old Eadlyn Schreave has much to live up for since she will be the next heir to take the throne. 

But she wished that it was her twin brother Adren instead . . .

The castes are dissolved but not everything been settled, to provide an distraction from the growing issues an Selection is started.

To find Eadlyn an suitable suitor to help run Illea, but Eadlyn is anything but ready to find a suitor. 

With 35 suitors, Eadlyn must chose one but will she choose one?

I give this an 3.5 Cat's Tails Up. I enjoyed the book but I really dislike how SHALLOW and closed-minded Eadlyn is. If Eadlyn showed a little bit more of her personality she would be more likeable person.

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW . . . 

After waiting months to get this book, I finally got it! The Heir covers the story of 18 year old Eadlyn the daughter of Maxon and America Schreave. Eadlyn has a lot to upheld her legacy since she was the firstborn of the Schreave line, it should have been her twin brother she said. It would have been simpler and a lot less pressure but she was born first by minutes and in those minutes everything change.

Fast forward to 18 years later, Eadlyn still hides behind her mother's shadow and the castle. She doesn't want to be Queen, she doesn't think she can be Queen. After the castes were dissolved everyone should be happy but sadly some do not, so to create a distraction from the threats the King and Queen suggest doing an selection to find Eadlyn's match as well rule with her. 

So I was surprise that the selection came back, I was even more surprise that Maxon and America suggested it. But they did nevertheless and now Eadlyn must go through it and in the end find her suitor, although her heart isn't set to open up. 

What I get from Eadlyn is that she is a snobby princess, yes snobby . . . she is so unsure of herself and doesn't see how easy she has it. To top it off, she's very closed mind like she was dead set against the selection when her parent suggested it. She told them dead flat that she will not pick a suitor at the end, she doesn't want a suitor. She wished that it was all on her brother than herself. 

I also find that Eadlyn is self-confidence about herself, like she know more about herself than anyone. Now while part of that is true but she isn't willing to open up to new things and that part I hated about her. She is the most CLOSED mind princess who really should be more OPENED minded because of who she is to her people, what she will be to her people. 

Now let's talk about the suitors in the selection, Eadlyn has three months and 35 suitors but she quickly demolished about a third of them. But let's talk about the ones that really stands out, the one that I believe could win over Eadlyn. First is Kile who happen to live inside the castle, you would think living inside the castle would give him the advantage but it doesn't. Like I said before Eadlyn is very closed off but they clearly have a passion for each other after their first kiss for ploy but then having Eadlyn want more from him grew even more intense. 

Next we have Hale who seems nice and isn't really looking for "Love" but will help stand by Eadlyn side if he was the one who she would pick. Next is Henri who sadly is a bored to me, he can't speak English and need a translator Erik for the most part who I think the translator is CUTE. Why couldn't he join the selection because I would hate to see him disappear if Henri was sent home. 

Baden seem nice but towards the end he got pushy, wanting to spend time with Eadlyn privately just like all the other suitors want but Eadlyn is the one pulling the strings on the puppets and the suitors are her puppets. 

Eadlyn has a very close relationship with her twin brother Adren, however Adren has other things on his mind. When those two get into a fight Adren did the biggest thing that shock everyone in the castle that will probably puts pressure on Eadlyn as far how the remaining of the selection will go. 

Overall this book didn't really present much surprises, I enjoyed it but it wasn't like OMG this is amazing! sadly. Just overall average for an spin-off from America and Maxon's story.