
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Book Review: Beauty and The Werewolf

Beauty and The Werewolf (San Francisco Wolf Pack #2) 
by Kristin Miller

Beauty and the Werewolf (San Francisco Wolf Pack, #2)A paranormal category romance from Entangled's Covet imprint...

This lone wolf falls hard...for his enemy.

Unmated werewolves don't normally live past three hundred years old...and billionaire Jack MacGrath is cutting it close. Sure, he has almost everything-the respect of his peers, a mansion in San Francisco, a private jet, and fast cars. But without a mate, Jack's in trouble. Then he sees her. Gorgeous, proud...and his enemy.

Isabelle Connelly is good at hiding things from her father. Like her success as a painter, or the incredibly intense attraction she has to Jack MacGrath. After all, she's royalty and falling for anyone lesser-to say nothing of a rival pack-would be, er, unseemly. Now she must choose between her duty to her family and her pack...or her perfect fated mate.

Published August 25th 2015 by Entangled Publishing, LLC (Covet)



When two share a passion for art, you wonder if its fate bringing them together

For Isabelle she's on the hunt to find certain Art pieces that means the most to her, a piece of herself inside those paintings.

Jack McGrath gave up on finding his luminary, and with only a window of times he fell in love with a certain artist that has captured his soul.  

What he would give to meet this artist.

Both Isabelle and Jack come from two different worlds but has one thing in common and that is ART, but is their passion for Art just a coincidence or an act of fate? 

I give this 5 Cat's Tails Up, Beauty and the Werewolf is unlike anything that Kristin had wrote in her Wolf Packs world, in my perspective there was a little bit of a Nicolas Sparks and Titanic art lovers Jack and Rose influences.

MEOW . . .  MEOW . . .  MEOW

When I read Isabelle and Jack's story, I really like how much passion they had for art. But I also like the two different world they come from, Isabelle is from Ireland and her pack is in Ireland which was really new for Kristin to bring in someone from outside the US.

Jack's story is string along with bad reputation, but when he meets Isabelle who listed everything she ever heard about the McGrath so she's is inclined to believe his words. However when Jack offers to help Isabelle find crucial pieces for an exhibits she putting together she is shocked that he has exactly what she's looking for.


There's a twist that I saw compare to the other stories that Kristin writes for this world, but sadly its a spoiler so I can't say what the twist is! But as you know both Jack and Isabella are luminary but clearly there's some disbelieving among Isabelle.

Isabelle reveals a truth in why she has a love for art and why it's important she obtain certain art pieces, but something goes south for Isabelle that she's has to return home and take the Arts that Jack offers she could borrow but then Jack felt the need to travel to Ireland and speak to the big guy himself, Isabelle's father and alpha of the Ireland pack to confess his love for his daughter.

The ending was kind of superb, with an auction that brought Isabelle and Jack back together again and an final letter from Isabelle's father. Both Jack and Isabelle finally are together as luminary, and the goal in the end was to get the Ireland Pack to accept Jack into the pack.  Another note about this book was the fact that Isabelle was next to become alpha after her father, and in the end she's became alpha of the Ireland pack. GO GIRL GO!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the amazing review! So thrilled you enjoyed the book. :)
