
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Book Review: Visions

Visions (Cainsville #2) by Kelley Armstrong

Visions (Cainsville, #2)
As #1 New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong’s new Cainsville series continues, Olivia’s power to read omens leads to the discovery of a gruesome crime with troubling connections to her new hometown.

Omens, the first installment in Kelley Armstrong’s exciting new series, introduced Olivia Taylor-Jones, daughter of notorious serial killers, and Gabriel Walsh, the self-serving, morally ambiguous lawyer who became her unlikely ally. Together, they chased down a devious killer and partially cleared her parents of their horrifying crimes.

Their success, however, is short-lived. While Olivia takes refuge in the old, secluded town of Cainsville, Gabriel’s past mistakes have come to light, creating a rift between the pair just when she needs his help the most.

Olivia finds a dead woman in her car, dressed to look like her, but the body vanishes before anyone else sees it. Olivia’s convinced it’s another omen, a sign of impending danger. But then she learns that a troubled young woman went missing just days ago—the same woman Olivia found dead in her car. Someone has gone to great lengths to kill and leave this young woman as a warning. But why? And what role has her new home played in this disturbing murder?

Olivia’s effort to uncover the truth places her in the crosshairs of old and powerful forces, forces that have their own agenda, and closely guarded secrets they don’t want revealed.
Hardcover, 448 pages

Published August 19th 2014 by Dutton (first published August 14th 2014)

Olivia's life change in a blink of an eye, having the socialite life, about to be married to her fiance then her whole identity is revealed. 

Olivia reads Omens as if they were embedded in her head, but she doesn't understand why she know it or understands it. 

There's a new case . . . that means Olivia and Gabriel are working together once again but is there something much deeper that lies in the case? 

The Elders of Cainsville are watching Olivia and Gabriel closely . . . But what's their plan? 

Olivia's strange visitor gives her warnings . . .

I give this an 4 Cats Tail Up, overall Visions was stack with legendary plans and even more secrets that still have yet to be revealed.

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW
Okay book two of Cainsville series by Kelley Armstrong, I have to say there was much more omens that Olivia kept seeing, she even got to a point to think how does she know about omens and legends? Why were they hammered inside her head? Only her birth mother Pamela Larsen would know . . .

Gabriel seems to have grown more protective of Olivia and even his aunt believes that destiny has it written somewhere that they should be together as a couple and not just work-related mutual friends.

Olivia's ex-fiance is stirring up trouble, and with his uprising political campaigns he need Olivia to be seen socially balanced. But when James starts having Gabriel keep a close tabs on Olivia without her knowledge, Olivia is stuck wondering what is it that James truly wants. And is feeling somewhat betrayed by Gabriel.

Also with Gabriel I believes develop some sort of interest to Olivia although she's currently seeing Ricky Gallagher. When I read Gabriel's POV in Chapter 56, you see another side of him but what's his real hesitation about opening up to people? I know he was abandoned by his mother and there wasn't really a father in the picture. So maybe being on his own cause him to be very private and almost sort of hermit-like from others  but with Olivia it seems he wants to be more than just friends.

Olivia starts dating Ricky Gallagher, who is the son of a the Saints biker club and those two hit it off right away. The little bike ride was Ricky has some personal knowledge of omens and other legends and he's someone that won't push Olivia to share every single detail about her.

Patrick, Patrick, Patrick . . . what are your tricks? The fact that he knows so much but only is willing to answers so questions or simply neither deny or know.  Even the Elders are weary of him but with Olivia

The ending was a twist! I really did not expect that but it all fits with the fact that nothing in Cainsville is consider normal. 

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