
Monday, August 25, 2014

The Cat's Meow: Hiatus

Hey everyone,

So I will be going on  a blogging hiatus due to school starting up and these classes that I'm taking will required extensive studies.

If you didn't see my post about the Future is shining bright here's a recap . . . I was offered to take the Intro class for my program which I might be starting next fall 2015, this gives anyone on the wait list a chance to wet their feet in the program before starting the core classes.

I had already planned to take General Physics and I can't believe how much Math is involved! There's stuff that I don't even know because well one Math isn't my strongest suit . . . I can do basic math but all that algebra and such it's kind of where I've taught it once and then I don't ever use it and so I lose the whole knowledge about it. SO I'll be spending great amount of time in the Academics services getting helped.

I haven't been reading, I did read Opposition but I haven't posted the review because I'm still writing it and so I might have to read the book once more before posting it. So sorry for those that are waiting for that review of Opposition from me, you'll have to wait a little bit longer and enjoy everyone's else reviews. I'll be sure to promote my review largely because I know mine will be late/later posting the review.

Here's something New . . .

A friend and I are going to be co-blogging on a different blog title which we still have to discuss about what the title of our blog is going to be. We are sharing our conditions/diseases that we both share on many levels, you'll expect posts about our Ups and Downs, some of journey through life dealing with our condition. It will be fun and something new for me as well for her. But I'm glad we will get to share our stories to others out there.

So stay tuned for that! 

I will possibly be opening an Etsy account for some jewelry bead work that I've been doing this past couple weeks. But first I need to go all Business like to determine pricing and such, since a lot of these jewelry are one of a kind and limited. They will become unlimited if I earn enough profit to buy more supplies as well a little profit to me. So yeah that the other NEW thing that might be happening.

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