
Monday, July 29, 2013

Book Spotlight: Destination Wedding

Hello everyone, I've gotten an usual email from an author who had asked me to do a spotlight of her book "Destination Wedding" that was recently chosen on Amazon big deal promotion. No she didn't asked for a review request since I am not taking any requests due to my number of reads I have to do before I start school. Plus I'm part of a couple blog tours so as you can see I'm pretty busy.

And I could not think of a feature for this type of post but "Book Spotlight" will do untill I get more thoughts about this type of feature and maybe more authors will come out to reach me if their books made it to Amazon Big Deal Promotion.

I was more than happy to help out Robyn to promote her book, its sounds really interesting with Twins brother, and a very confused wedding planner who believe the one she was sitting with and kissed was the same person however she learned its her client. But hint hint, it was the twin. I wonder if that twin will admit that it was him or will the lies keep on building?
Destination Wedding – On Sale Now at Amazon for $0.99!!
This will only be available until the 4th of August so hurry and get it now!

Wedding planner Kate Ashby’s fear of flying is eased by a sexy stranger and one slow lip lock that rockets her into another obit.

CEO Luke Cannon has just traded seats with his identical twin. Little did he know that an innocent kiss while pretending he was his brother would soon create havoc.

 What happens in the air doesn’t stay up there. Once on tropical land, Kate believes that the handsome stranger who gave her the best kiss of her life is now her new client, Drew Cannon, fiancĂ© to the beautiful and wealthy Lauren Kincaid. While Kate struggles with the intense feelings she thinks she has for Drew, Luke discovers Kate’s been hired to plan his brother’s destination wedding. He also realizes the initial sparks they shared 30,000 feet up are now mistakenly aimed at Drew.

Can Luke get Kate to realize that the feelings she has are for him? He’s got forty-eight hours in paradise to try.

Enjoy an excerpt from Robyn Neeley's
Destination Wedding
{Chapter One}

"I do. I do." Wedding planner Kate Ashby quietly repeated her calming mantra. Paralyzed in her window seat, she stared at the illuminated fasten seatbelt sign while her hands gripped the metal buckle strap.

They had to be close to cruising altitude. Soon, she'd be able to request a strong drink to knock her out for the duration of this bumpy flight.

She sat still, trying to ignore the terror pulsating through her. Why hadn't she bought sleeping pills before boarding a twelve-hour flight from New York City to Hawaii? Now, that would have been the smart thing to do.

Glancing out the tiny passenger window, she clutched her gold "K" necklace. It was completely irrational to be terrified and she realized the odds of her and her fellow passengers landing safely in Honolulu were more than in her favor. Still, this was her first time flying such a long duration. Departing Manhattan this evening in turbulent thunderstorms had shot her nerves. She was grateful that her boss had sprung for a first class ticket for the long flight.

A loud rattle caused her to grab hold to her armrests. "What was that?" She turned to the stranger sitting next to her. He had short blondish brown hair and was wearing a blue blazer. His face had a nice tan. She had failed to realize that her row mate was incredibly handsome. Usually the person sitting next to her was a grandparent or couldn't speak English. Perhaps he could help her ease her nerves?

 "Um ... I think it's the drink cart. Would you like something?" He folded his
Wall Street Journal.

Sexy and smart.

"I'll take a tequila and tonic," he said to the flight attendant.

And likes his drinks strong. This could be fun.
About the Author
Robyn Neeley is an East Coaster who loves to explore new places; watches way more reality TV than she cares to admit; can’t live without Dunkin Donuts coffee and has never met a cookie she didn’t like. If you have a must read romance suggestion or a fabulous cookie recipe, she wants to know.
Visit her at
Twitter: @robynneeley


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