
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Blogger Times: Books Bargains

You know when you walk into a bookstore and you tend to walk pass all the bargain books? Well not today! I did actually spent a little more time looking at the bargains books

What goes through my thoughts?
  • Well there won't be anything that I would want
  • All the books I want has to purchase full price or order online
  • Why even look? 
  • They're dented or poor quality

Well today I decided to look at those bargain books and a few did draw my attention. So I quickly grab some that were on my less books to read but after looking some more I found something that would really be worth buying.

While many fans have praise Beautiful Creatures series, I yet still have to read them but I got Beautiful Chaos in hardcover for a bargain price. Even though I know it will take me months maybe years before I open that book but just to know that I got it in a bargain price and in hardcover was a good deal. 

Then I found Jenna Black's White Cat book in the bargains and decided I better get this now and not have my parent try to find it around November - December.  

Note I am one of the lucky few being born between Christmas and New Year's so I get double the gifts(not bragging I swear) 

I also picked up some book at regular prices as well, I desperately wanted to read Jenna Black's Replica book and a conversation that my dad and I had about the show Under the Dome.

We're big fan of the show and dad mention it was written by Stephen King and he read somewhere that a reader has tried to read the book but because it was super long he couldn't finish it and the interaction between characters were long ending.

So not that Dad said anything about me reading it but I found it in the store and thought I should get this and hopefully read it. Plus it would be my first Stephen King book ever both as a purchase and as a book to read.

Upcoming Blog Book Tours
Also while I'm still chatting on, I have a couple book tours coming up, next week July 31st I am sharing my review of Death Dealer by Ashley Robertson organized by IMR Blog Tour and then August (Wait did July really go that fast?) I am doing character interview for the Steel Lily Book Blog Tour on August 14th, Then I am posting another review for Steel Lily.

Also in August Dan Krokos's False Sight (False Memory #2) is being released, I am not participating in any tours for his book but I am exciting to share my review of his second book as well his first book False Memory.

Early September I will be posting a review of Disconnect (Book #1) for Divided World Tour organized by Xpresso Book Tours

I am hoping that I get to be chosen for Kismet Book Tours of Michelle Rowen's Countdown book, so cross my fingers.

So that what's going on in Blogger Times . . .

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