
Sunday, July 2, 2017

A Goodbye for now . . .

I'm sure you're wondering about the title of this post, last week I attended Utopia Con. It was Utopia Con's last event, however thanks to Janet Wallace she plans to have an 10 year reunion in 2021 or 2022. That detail is a little fuzzy at the moment but there's a vote out there for when the reunion should take place.

I knew a year ago that Utopia Con would probably be my last con for awhile, my life in the past six months has been incredibly insane. I graduated from my program and I had a few personal things going on, things haven't been slow.

Right now I will be spending the next five weeks studying for my certification exam and then I'll be job hunting in my field. Everyone wish me luck on passing my exam! I'm nervous and personally I'm not the greatest test taker in the world, so the pressure is more on me.

Once I get the PASS!!!! I'll job hunt and making plans to make trips down to Milwaukee to see my best friend who will be moving there to pursue her PHD in English Lit.

Yes I know there are plenty of other cons around, but to travel to most of them is near impossible especially now. I don't even know if I'll be able to attend the Reunion, that's nearly 4-5 years from now and I expect to be somewhere in my life by that time.

So a Recap from Utopia Con . . .

I love seeing everyone again, many have ask if I'll go to Penned Con but sadly I won't due to my personal life things. I'll miss not seeing anyone but I'll always be able to follow them on facebook and maybe even buy and read some of their books. I still plan on reading, but book blogging is not a thing for me now. I'll review when I can.

This time the con was at a different hotel which was much better than the other one, although they had a few hiccups but they manage the tribe very well.

I got to meet Jennifer L Armentrout (TOTAL FAN GIRL), CJ Redwine, Abbi Glines, Issac Marion who are pretty well known authors that started out just like everyone else in the Indie world. I've also learned a few things at some of the panels.

Apparently Wattpad been around for 10 years, I'd only just discovered it like a year ago . . . It sounds like many are considering this as a platform to share their books or what they are writing to get feedback. I'll be taking it into considerations as well for my writing, I have a lot of projects with almost two books completed.

I was disappointed with the Barnes and Noble because they were clearly unprepared, they only had three titles of Jennifer's books and she has like 24 published books. Even some of the authors I spoke to were like "They typically do carrying our books . . ." and I remember from 2014 that they did carry some of the authors that have books in their stores.

I met some new people and made a few friends, I don't know I felt more of an introvert this time around maybe because it's been three years. I don't titled myself as a blogger anymore not always and I'm simply reading for the enjoyment.

I love meeting Shannon Mayer and having lunch with her, apparently I'm not the only one that wanted all of her books.

Out of all the time to be in Nashville, it had to rain. It wasn't like rain or sprinkling . . . it was downpour, sideswept rain . . . rain. BUT at least it was warm rain and not cold like we get, so that was something different.

The Utopia awards was probably the most funnest thing I saw, Michelle G. Miller started a line dancing to Lady Gaga's Poker face, even an author in heels tried to keep up but ended up tripping (I hope you didn't break your ankle whoever it was!!). CJ Redwine and her husband Clint were amazing! and Beth Crowley is an amazing singer and pianist.

Until next time . . .

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