
Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

Well Christmas is a few hours away from being done, and I know that some of us are celebrating Christmas on other days. I know I have another one coming up on Friday with my dad's side of the family.

Anyways I wanted to recap what were some of the things I got for Christmas
I got four books >>> Yes you read that right, I got four books pretty small for a book reader but really I've only asked for certain ones this year and my coming up with a list was harder this time around.

Now I know many of the bloggers were unhappy with How the Winner's Crime series changed covers from the original ones. So I asked for all three of the Hardcover books with the original covers and plus I like hardcovers. So I now have the complete set.

The next one I asked for only because I had forgotten about it, The Life and death by Stephenie Meyer. Stephenie's books are what got me into reading books in the first place so I think reading Life and Death will bring some resonance from that even though it's not on Edward and Bella or even Renesme and Jacob.

I do have plans to make some Ebooks purchases in the next few days because there's some great Ebooks out there that has been on my mind but my wallet seems to falter a beat anything I think about buying ebooks or buying books in general.

There are two other books that I might purchase as well thanks to my cousin giving me a Barnes and Noble gift card. I've been thinking about Lady Midnight and then again I forgot about Stephenie's new book The Chemist and that one sounds really good.

The next big items were Hallmark ornaments. Before books and even to this day, Ornaments are my things.

Then I got a few things for my school studies, clearly my parents have been paying attention to what I've been doing this semester . . . writing notes to myself and reminders and using Tabs. It's actually a nice gesture but now I don't know if I want to used one of the Tabs I got because they're cats.

Then I got my other love which are birding or anything related to wildlife.

Now my birthday is coming up too and I really have no clue what I really want so I just threw out ideas. But we'll see what happens.

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