
Monday, August 15, 2016

Kitty Blitz: A Brit on the Side

A Brit on the Side_final cover_AMZ 
Cover Design: Sarah Hansen/Okay Creations
Release Date: August 15, 2016
Bea’s English escape plan: • Work in a real British castle • Quality time with bestie • Figure out what spotted dick really is • Fall for bestie’s older brother. Hard. Bea Gillespie would rather do anything than teach summer school math two classrooms down from her ex-fiancé. So when her best friend, Scarlett, invites her to England for the summer to work in her family’s castle-turned-hotel, she jumps at the chance. Now Bea’s an ocean away from her problems at home, but she’s got a bigger one. A British one. Scarlett’s older brother, Jasper, is at Castle Calder for the summer, too. And he’s as sexy and smart as Bea remembers. Two years ago Jasper came stateside, and he and Bea shared a hot weekend. But that’s all it was — a weekend. One she purposely didn’t tell Scarlett about. It didn't feel like much of a secret until now. As Bea falls for Jasper, what started off as a fling begins feeling more and more like the kind of thing you’d gush about to your best friend. If you hadn’t been lying to her all along.  
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About the Author
I'm a displaced New Yorker living in the UK. I lived in London for nearly six years, but now I'm living in The North, in a tiny English village. There are sheep everywhere! Sheep!! (This is so strange to me I always have to say it twice. With multiple exclamation points.) My novels are about teens and twenty-somethings kissing. I especially love writing sweet moments that end with a sizzle. For more info on all of my books (including one you can read for FREE), visit my website at I like running and Doritos, not necessarily in that order. I also like libraries, old churches and Paris. One day I'm going to write a novel set in Paris, which will necessitate lots of trips for "research."  
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