
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Quick decisions

If you only had a half hour before a Tornado hits, which books would you save?

Tonight we had an Tornado warning in our area as an rotating storm was going to come through, my dad francitally said grab all personal items Non-replaced items (which I had already did) but then he had to bring up about my books. 

My books!!!! OH my books!!!! 

If you only had an half hour to gather your books how would you choose???? Well basically I just grabbed some books from a few of my favorite authors and that their books. Then I thought wait my scrapbook of all those SWAGs and even the one I haven't did Swags yet. MY GOD!!!!  

But I kind of really just grabs the top two favorite authors I love. ESPECIALLY the books that I can't find in the stores anymore and I would have to pay quite the money to buy it online. Then I basically grab my other favorite authors that I would hate to lose and plus they were pretty much in one spot anyways. 

So tell me how would you pick? Could you pick? Or could you come up with a different idea?

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