
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Book Review: Monday

Monday (Timeless Teaser) by E.L. Todd

Monday (Timeless Teaser)I don’t believe in destiny.

In fate.

Or in soul mates.

But I believe in Hawke.

My life has never been whole since my parents left forever. I have my brother, someone I can barely tolerate most of the time, and I have my best friend, Marie.

And I have myself.

But when Hawke walks into my life, there’s an immediate connection. Our eyes lock and an unspoken conversation is exchanged. For the first time in my life, I actually feel something.

But he doesn’t.

He keeps me at arm’s length and pretends there’s nothing between us when there clearly is. I’m not the kind of girl to wait around for any guy, so I don’t.

But that doesn’t mean he isn’t in the back of my mind.

Our paths cross again in a way neither one of us expect and it changes everything. Was it destiny that made it happen? Was it fate?

Or was something else?

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW
Monday was a very interesting read, it was different than what I usually read. I enjoy the amount of flirting between Francesca and Hawke. From a first glance I never would have thought that Hawke would date Francesca because she doesn't seem to be his type

For Francesca, I never thought she would fight to keep Hawke, but Hawke has his own inner demons to fight and it's one of the reasons why he won't commit to a relationship. Honestly Hawke's life is filled with sadness and darkness that I think being with Francesca that it's bring the light into his darkness.

Throughout the book, it was clear that neither one of them wanted to let go of this instant chemistry they had towards one another, as the relationship seems to progress Hawke's demons were slowing coming out and all Hawke wanted to do was stuff them back into the closet where they belong.

The ending was kind of frightening that changed the dynamic of the story, I'm not a huge huge fan of the ending only because it was so one-sided and off put but it did leave for a cliff hanger. So I guess now we'll see what will happen in the next journey of Francesca and Hawke.

I give this 4 Cat Paws, overall I like it, the ending didn't fall smoothly to me but again it left for a cliff hanger and wait for the next book.

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