
Monday, March 7, 2016

Hide & Seek: A Bet Worth Making

Happy cover reveal day to Heather Hildenbrand!!!! 

If you have ever read A Risk Worth Taking and wished that Heather would write more in that genre, well you got your wish!!! 

What is A Bet Worth Making??

A Bet Worth Making is the second book of Grayson County Series

Jordan DeWalter has her future mapped out—build the most impressive architectural design portfolio in all of New England, and use it to one day open her own firm. But when her father unexpectedly passes away, her plans, and her heart, are broken. Now, if she wants the money once promised to her, she’ll have to return to the town that threw her family out over twenty years ago in order to get it. 

If there’s one thing Jordan despises more than small towns, it’s small town people. 

Casey Luck has spent his life skating by on charm and a devil-may-care attitude. Never one to take life too seriously, he’s kept secret his dream of building custom dirt bikes. Instead, he fills the role his family expects: tractor mechanic, farm handyman, comedic relief. But, deep down, Casey’s restless for something more. 

Then he meets his new roommate: Jordan. 

Their attraction is instant, but Jordan’s not fooled by the chemistry between them. When the summer is over, she’s out of here no matter what. In fact, she’s willing to bet on it. 

Will their undeniable connection be the push they both need to break free of their pasts, or will Jordan’s wager on their failure ruin the future for them both? 

So are you ready to see the cover????

Pre-Order NOW!!!! 

Coming 5/24 exclusively on iBooks!
Coming 5/31/16 everywhere. Pre-order now:

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