
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Holiday Blogging: Day One

Holiday Blogging Challenge 

Day One: A Gift that I'm giving

Sighs I'm usually great at giving gifts and I guess I am, but sometimes it's hard to know if you truly given the perfect gift to someone. This year I'm gifting a awesome gift pack to Rachel of Fiktshun (SHHH) I can't say what it is but it ties in what she does outside of blogging. I brought this items a couple months ago yes I've held on to it this long but really when I saw it, I knew exactly who it was going to, who I was buying it for.

My card making is insane this year so a lot of people are getting my annual Christmas cards! I've been doing this for about four years now and at this point I should start printing off photos of each cards that I made and place them in a scrapbook to see how much has changes over the years.

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