
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Holiday Blogging: Day Four

 Holiday Blogging Challenge 
It's Day four of Parajunkee's 7 days of Holiday blogging! Today its about favorite recipes. Although I don't bake hardly ever but I do make something really fun for my family and friends. 

Favorite holiday recipes: 
Mainly I'm all for coconuts balls or mound balls is what some people call them, for years I would never eat them until one day one year I took a bite and never looked back. I'm such a picky eater so for me to try something was shocking and one I tried it. I became obsessesed and become known as "the little mouse" around this time of year.

Next it's a recipe insipre by the wonderful addicting Pinterest. I discovered this idea two years ago and they were a great hit the first year I made them, sadly I didn't have any time to make them last year due to my over stressed/overload school studies.

They're called Christmas Mices.  

Christmas Mice...chocolate covered cherries, almonds, Hershey's kisses! Simple and cute!:  
this is the pinterest picture that attracted me to this idea. 

This is my mices from 2013 I actually use pink frosting to determine girl mices with little bows.

One of my cousin taking a bite of the poor mice

I made some this year but I still got some finally touches to add, 

So what does making these mices entails? Well the original recipe calls for Cherry (yes Cherry) but I substitute that idea with either coconuts balls and/or peanut butter balls. The 2013 mices had little sliced almonds but those were a pain with a lot of them falling off and the almonds were all different sizes and finding the right thickness???? Shakes head. 

So my revised recipe is using peanut butter mices (this year), Twizzlers licorice peel and pull, and chocolate chips for the ears and using melted chocolate to make the eyes. I basically use melted chocolate as my glue to place the ears, the faces and to stick the tails in the behind of the peanut butter balls. 

I'll post pictures of this year mices when I'm done with them.

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