
Monday, October 5, 2015

Book Review: Fairy Tale Confessions

Fairy Tale Confessions
Fairy Tale ConfessionsFourteen bestselling authors twist up your favorite tales. Will your favorite have a happily-ever-after?

Get ready to meet some sexy, not-so-valiant princes, punk-rock princesses, villains turned heroes, and truly vile monsters wreaking havoc within our favorite tales.

Read about Dancing Princesses getting their groove on in a disco club, a seriously sexy Rumpelstiltskin, and one alluring Puss-in-Boots, plus many, many more captivating characters in these fourteen all new short-stories.

(This collection and its authors are being featured at RT 2016 at the Fairy Tale Costume Party in Vegas, hosted by Sarah J. Pepper and Tish Thawer. Be sure to get your copy and stop by if you're attending the event.

Published October 1st 2015 by Amber Leaf Publishing

Do you believe in fairy tales?

Is it all magical happy ending? 

Princesses in disguises, 
Evil-doers in disguise,
and princes in disguise.

Fairy tale Confessions is a modern twist of fairy tales we grew up with. 

I give this 4 Cat's Tales Up, While I enjoyed some of the tales, there were other that weren't my taste and that's okay. You can't like all fairy tales.

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW
This fairy tale anthology was a fun mixture of the fairy tales we grew up with with a modern twist. I wish I could talk about all the fairly tale that were in this anthology but some were tales I've never heard of and others were just not my taste. But the ones I'm going to talk about are Blayze & Ash (Beauty and the Beast fairy tale),  Rell (Cinderella fairy tale), and Caged (Rapunzel fairy tale) those are the one that stood out to me.

The retold of Beauty and the Beast, Blayze and Ash had a interesting twist in the whole BEAST aspect. Even more so of how to break the "CURSE", I like that the characters had their own sad pasts. It what brought Blayze and Ash close together, but everyone paints Blayze the bad guy but I honestly think he was simply misunderstood. For Ash she saw that and trusted her judgment until the EPIC party that Blayze always hosts take a dark turn. The ending was surprising and Ash's love for Blayze shows love conquer all.

Rell was for sure the modern twist of Cinderalla and I love that Rell is talent designer waiting to be found. The prince in this tale seem genuine to Rell but Rell let's the evil step-mother and step-sisters in the way of her happiness. She also let her insecurity get in the way, I almost wonder if she was going to get a happy ending and she sort of did but its not like in Cinderella where she get married. It's more of starting over with what her insecurity tarnished.

I also want to share this that was just on facebook and I think Rell could easily master it!


Caged I was extremely surprise on how much I love this! I was never into Rapunzel, something never clicked even if I read books and I can't really say if I've ever watched any movies. I love the twist in this story and the whole whose the prince and whose the bad guy. It almost like it should be it's own contemporary romance story. Needless to say I'd enjoyed Caged and I love the small twists it had.

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