
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Book Review: Bitterroot

Bitterroot Part One by SM Reine and Heather Hildenbrand

BitterrootSeventeen year-old Regan Vuk has lived her whole life under the shadow of her mother, the pack alpha. Everything Regan has done has been to prepare her for the role of alpha someday. She is fast, smart, and determined. According to her own pack members, she is a shoo-in.

Charlie spent her adolescence drifting from place to place with a mother who only wanted to hide her illegitimate daughter from the unforgiving reality of pack dynamics. All Charlie has ever wanted is to know her father--and any other family that's been kept from her all these years. But most of all, she wants a place to belong in the world.

When Charlie finds out the only way to fit in with her new family is to defeat her long-lost sister, she refuses. That is until she learns that the strange and alluring vampire she's befriended, Owen, is the same vampire prince that's been promised the winner. Regan has no doubt that, although she loathes the vampires, it will be her who "wins" Owen.

Only problem: Charlie's already fallen for him.


Published September 21st 2015 by Elephantine Publishing

Bitterroot has a mixture of werewolves and vampires, they're sworn enemy to one another until tragedy happen and now the fate of the werewolves lies within a young girl unaware about her royalty werewolf line and the fact that she must fight for rightful supremacy. 

The only problem is that she doesn't know if she want the title . . . or the family she's supposely belong. 

Meanwhile the half sister have been groomed her whole life, ready to take on the role as alpha once her father has steps down but now she must fight against the half sister she's never known. 

What happens if one sister despise the enemy but the other one doesn't? 

I give this an 3.7 Cat's Tails Up, the fate of the pack lies within the sisters. 

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW
Overall this was a quick read for me, I don't want to say its a cliche that its an werewolf/vampire story however the ideas were good and unexpected. Which is why  I gave it an 3.7 rather than a 3.5 because it was close to being a four Cat Tails rating but not quite.

The half sisters storyline was interesting, there's a little bit of royalty rights going on after Charlie the one who get returned to her pack and her half sister Regan who was born with the pack, they both must figure out how to avoid doing an epic battle that determines who become alpha.

One was trained to fight . . .

One was left in darkness . . 

The Vampire concept fell a little short, I think other than Charlie meeting the vampire stranger and then seeing him toward the end of part one before his real identity was reveal. It just fell short, Charlie doesn't know why the pairing is happening or why it has to happen and quite frankly neither did I as a reader other than it had to do with Charlie's mom but also the after math of Regan's mom death.

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