
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Catty Chat: Books I left behind

It's been awhile since I did an Catty Chat Meme, mostly because there hadn't been anything to really be catty about. But Now I have a wonderful topic but also a wonderful disappointment because it's about books that I left behind.

Books I left behind means books that I had planned to read but never got around to and it's just sitting in my kindle. 

But mostly on my kindle is where I left behind . . .

Iron Pendulum by Megan Curd
 Iron Pendulum (Periodic, #2)

I had anticipated this book for so long, however when it came time to get the book . . . I just got really side-tracked with Life and never bothered to read it. So now it's nearly on the bottom of my Kindle books list because I haven't opened it in a long time. I will have to reread Steel Lily and then read Iron Pendulum, the cover is beautiful isn't it? And I think it fits perfectly for this year UtopYA which is time travel.

Lucidity by Stephanie Thomas
Lucidity (The Raven Chronicles, #2) 

Now I did really DID read this book, but I never got around to do an review so I have to reread it. 

Sun Damage by Nikki Rae
Sun Damage (Sunshine, #3)

 I KNOW I read this book, but why hadn't I review it?

Take Me On by Katie McGarry
Take Me On (Pushing the Limits, #4) 

I love Katie's books, and I know I read this book and the review is just sitting in my drafts but I read this book so long ago that I can't remember certain details about the characters or what made me fall in love with them. 

Opposition by Jennifer L Armentrout
Opposition (Lux, #5) 

Okay same excuses, i read it, did a partial review but now I need to reread it again and with this being the final book I'm sure I'll have the same reaction like I did when I read it the first time.

Family Secrets by Kat Nichols
 Family Secrets

It's the same old same old, I read and then I don't write a FREAKING REVIEW!

Amulet of Destiny by Katie Lynn Johnson
Amulet of Destiny (The Lost Amulet Chronicles, #3)

I read the book like months ago and yet I still didn't write an review.

Two Author Request Books that I haven't started yet
 The Lilith Scroll (The Lilith Scroll #1) Adamant (Alliance, #1)

Netgallery Requests
 Beautiful GirlThe Girl and the Clockwork Cat (Clockwork Enterprises, #1) Stone of Destiny (The Danaan Trilogy, #2) Undertow (Undertow, #1) Mortality (The Hitchhiker Strain, #1) Two Halves (Two Halves, #2) Grasping at Eternity (The Kindrily, #1)Moonset (Legacy of Moonset, #1)

I've left behind a few Netgallery requests because I just requests too much and I can't read fast enough. I do prefer physical books over ebooks so that's part of it.
This is Your Destiny (A Curse Keepers Secret, #3) Queen of Someday (Stolen Empire, #1) The Vault of Dreamers (The Vault of Dreamers, #1) Hexed (The Witch Hunter, #1)
Imitation (Clone Chronicles #1)Deviation (Clone Chronicles #2)

Now I do plan to read Heather Hildenbrand's Clone Chronicles books and Denise Grover Swank Curse Defiers and This is Your Destiny but I just haven't gotten around to it and they aren't far far away from when I requested the titles. 

Newly Requested on Netgallery
The Third Twin Paranormal Keepers Witches Be Burned (Magic & Mayhem, #2)

Also a couples other titles by Stacey Kennedy, but I've read those and there's may be some that still need to be reviewed. 

Netgallery Requested but Won Physical Copy
Defy The Curse Defiers (The Curse Keepers, #3)

So what's my dilemma as far as reading these titles? Well one its that same scenarios where every readers hit, there''s a title out there that you HAVE TO READ!!! Then those other books get shifted down the ladder of what's the next book to read?

I'm thinking about and have tread this idea of where I won't accept any more requests from authors because There's about 15 draft reviews of books that I've read and wrote partial reviews but its not completed.  Plus once school starts back up, who knows when I'll have time if I have time. I know I'll read because that's a stress reliever but to Review? UGH I don't know. 

I've also consider taking a hiatus, I'm not active as much on my blog so people will probably think I'm already on a hiatus but I guess you could say that. I'm opened to sharing any promotions for authors because they now contact me through my facebook page. 

As a reader/Blogger/Reviewer, the whole reviewing and blogging aspect have gotten much more tasking for me to do and it shouldn't be that way but it is. I'll review and blog when I can, it' something that can't be forced on me anymore and I need to take time to really enjoy just reading the books than reading it to review it. 

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