
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Top 10 Tuesday

Top 10 Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the bookish, and today topic is listing your 10 top Authors YOU REALLY REALLLY (donate an arm and leg or even blood) to MEET.

I'm going to add a little bit of Authors that I have met as well . . .

First my Top 10 Authors I want to meet

1. Rachel Vincent of course
2. Kristin Miller Gotta love her
3. Jennifer L Armentrout
4. Sophie Jordan
5. Denise Grover Swank I know I'll meet her at some point 
6. Jennifer Lynn Barnes
7. Chloe Neill
8. Katie McGarry
9. Victoria Scott
10. Page Morgan

Now after attending UtopYA last year, I met many authors that I would have never imagine meeting so many! Some I knew from social media and facebook so that was really great to meet the author face to face.

Authors that I've met at UtopYA

1. Megan Curd
2. Mindy Ruiz
3. Rachel Harris
4. Michele Miller
5. Casey Bond
6. Heather Hildenbrand 
++++ SO MUCH MORE!!!!!

Authors that I've met locally . . .

1. Andrea Creamer
2. Amanda Hockling 
3. Heather Anastasiu (she didn't host an book event but she was at one of Andrea Creamer book event) 
4. Jeri Smith-Ready

So yeah it's hard t0 believe that my "Author I have met" is growing compare to when I first started reading back in 2009 and it wasn't until 2014 when I met a whole load of writers in one place.

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