
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Top 10 Tuesday

Top 10 Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish, today topic is what are the top 10 books you won't ever read.

1. I am Number Four (Lorien Legacies Sereis) by Pitacus Lore. I had saw the movie that feature Alex Pettyfer and the movie was good and it was enough for me to say "Now I want to read that book" but I am Number Four came out in 2011 practically four years ago and I've obtain at least all five books give or take as gifts. It's been four years, so I doubt I'll ever read it.

2. The Tiger's Saga by Colleen Houck. Again all were given to me as gifts and now they rest in crates in my closet so I had more space for books that I do really want to read but I kept adding on my To Be Read list.

3. The Iron Fey by Julia Kagawa. Again given as gifts, now I might still read it but I got a ton of other books that are on my shelves. Plus I've listed To Be Read list since 2012, more long wait.

4. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Yes I have seen the movies but I don't have any desire to read the books. I have always had no desires to read the books, I almost didn't want to see the movie but Catching Fire was by far my most favorite movie. 

The Awakening and The Struggle (The Vampire Diaries, #1-2) Crusade (Crusade, #1) Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles, #1) Mercy (Mercy, #1)

5. The Vampire Diaries by LJ Smith. I have read the first two books but when the show came on I was totally lost until someone pointed out that the show wasn't following the books. Now I'm behind on the show at least two seasons behind and with Nina Dobvre leaving the show, you wonder how is the show going to go on without her as Elena? That was the whole purpose of the books, Elena, Stefan and Damon love triangle.

6. Crusade by Nancy Holder. Seriously I read the first book and like it but when starting book two I lost touch with it but who knows I might pick it up again. But as of right now? No it's just a book that not on my radar.

7. Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia. OMG like really? it was so confusing! and I hadn't read it but I thought maybe if I watch the movie it might spark interest NOPE. That movie should be ashamed of how they went on with it, From what I read as the book summary I really thought that it would be a good for me.

8. Mercy by Rebecca Lim. Sighs I pick up this book because of angels and being in and out of different people bodies BUT it was so hard to find the next book! Like her books do not exist in any of my stores that I visit so I gave up on trying to even start it because what would happen if I started it and like it but couldn't buy the others? There's so foriegn rights issues since she is an Australia writer.

Starcrossed (Starcrossed, #1) The Hollow (Hollow Trilogy (Quality))

9. Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini. I've had this one under my Barnes and Noble wishlsit and honestly I don't know why I haven't taken it off. It's been on that wishlist since August 2013, maybe it was a rec that I gotten but really I never look for that book.

10. The Hollow Trilogy by Jessica Verday. Another Barnes and Noble wishlist but this one been on my list since September 2011. I think it's safe to say I'll never read nor buy this book.I can't even recall to why I wanted to read that book to begin with.

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