
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Top 10 Tuesday

Top 10 Tuesday
Top 10 Tuesday Meme is hosted by The Broke and the bookish
Today topic is who are the Top 10 Characters I would like to check back in with . . .

With All My Soul (Soul Screamers, #7)Opal (Lux, #3)Rise (Nightshade Prequel, #2)Spell Bound (Hex Hall, #3)

First it would be with my favorite YA book/series,

1. Soul Screamers
Kaylee & Tod, Nash & Sabine, Emma, yes even Sophie(Kaylee's wicked cousin so to speak) as well all the adults that were involved in the series. Harmony, Brendan, Aiden.
I practically grew up with these guys or at least through my last year of high school while I spend a time rereading the books before the next one came out. Then ending with everybody in 2013, where everyone got a happy ending.
What is Kaylee and Tod are doing in their eternal life?. . . probably spending every waking moment.
What is Nash and Sabine doing? . . . Finishing up college, Nash is living an addicted free life & maybe wedding bells?
What is Emma doing? . . . Who knows where she'll go
What is Sophie doing? . . . probably enjoying her time being a big sister and smooching her necromancer Lucas
2. Lux Series
Daemon and Katy BLACK
Daemon and Katy story hit me like wildfire!  So there series has ended with Opposition, people were still like what about an Alien Baby? Now Jennifer did give us an unoffical future down the down and katy and Daemon "will' have a baby. But I left wondering what been going on in their world?
Beyond having babies, what is everyone doing in their daily lives?

3. Prequel Nightshade series
 Ember and Barrow
Rise was just a little too leave me hanging, I know the author will try to get back to that world after she fulfill her other books committees because really the War has just begun.  I want wedding bells between Barrow and Ember, I want the epic finale that lead up to Calla's story.
So will there be wedding bells? Will there be an epic finale?

4. Hex Hall 
Sophie Mercer 
This series was by far the best book I had read that involves witchcraft/warlocks with a special school for all those growing parents. This was an alternative of Harry Potter world so I was very into it when I began reading it. The only thing I didn't really see an offical happy ending so I have no idea what's going on in Sophie's world.
So what's new in the world of Hex Hall and what's Sophie been up to?

How about some urban fantasy/Adult novels?

Alpha (Shifters, #6)Gone with the Wolf (Seattle Wolf Pack, #1)Blood Bound (Unbound, #1)

1. Shifters/werecats
Right now I'm getting a little peek into Faythe's world as Alpha, a wife and clearly a mom! In Lion's Share so I'm beyond happy to see everything is all and well at the Lazy S even with a few kids running around. Go Figures!

2. Seattle Wolf Pack
I'm writing a fan-fic of this series so I kind of had a mind of what's going on in some of my favorite couple Emelia and Drake. Even when they appears in the next two books of the Seattle pack. So far it's three kids right? I'd expect more in the near future, it would be nice if Kristin could write just a little novella of them down the road but I think I'm already doing that kind of

3. Blood Bound series
Cam and Olivia, now clearly these two have gone through hell and back for each other. They were nearly engaged but then suffer a tragic breakup then got back together again and serving one of the most powerful people sharing their committed time. You wonder where anyone after their service binding is done, what do they do next? And that goes for the same with Kori and Ian, Sera and Kris.
But also I would love if the author did an book on Noelle who was killed but had a relationship thus having a child with one of the powerful men. I believe there's a story there but who knows maybe it will be another fan-fic project for me.

I really can't think of 10 characters from 10 books, I got seven . . .

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