
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Kitty Blitz: 34 & a Half Predicaments

Book seven in the New York Times and USA Today bestselling
Rose Gardner Mystery series.

Rose Gardner hates seeing her normally flamboyant best friend Neely Kate struggle with depression. So when Rose stumbles onto a piece of evidence indicating her birth mother might have been involved in a crime, she does the one thing guaranteed to cheer Neely Kate. She convinces her friend to help her solve a mystery. Though their penchant for investigating has gotten them into plenty of pickles in the past, what can go wrong if they’re looking into a case that went cold a quarter of a century ago? But the deeper they dig, the more dirt they unearth.

While she’s busy unraveling the past, Rose must also reprise her role as the Lady in Black as part of her ongoing agreement with the king of the Fenton County underworld. In so doing, she discovers a mysterious enemy is intent on attacking her friends, and her assistant DA boyfriend might be next on the list.

As both situations reach a boiling point, Rose must face the possibility that certain secrets were meant to remain buried and not even her special talent can get her out of every predicament.

“I thought you’d been banned from the Piggly Wiggly.”
I turned around to see my former neighbor standing in line behind me. The octogenarian looked the same as ever—cranky—only there were some new faint blue streaks in her white hair.
I lifted my chin. “I guess that’s just proof you can’t believe everything you hear.” I pulled a bag of pasta out of the cart. “I like what you’ve done with your hair.”
She patted the top of my head. “What happened to my hair is none of your business.”
Fair enough. I turned my back to her.
“Are you still living in sin with the assistant DA?”
“I could argue that the answer to that question is none of your business, but I have nothin’ to hide. So if you’re asking if Mason and I are still living together, the answer is yes.” I set a container of strawberries on the conveyor belt. “What have you been up to, Miss Mildred? Have you stalked any other neighbors lately?”
“The neighborhood has been remarkably quiet since you left. Murder and mayhem are at an all-time low.”
“You can’t blame Miss Dorothy’s death on me. That was Jonah Pruitt’s mother.”
“And then there was the bank robbery.”
“I was an innocent bystander. Besides, you weren’t even there.”
She pointed her finger at me. “I heard about your job at that stripper club. God rest your poor momma’s soul.”
“I never stripped! I never even took my clothes off!” I protested louder than I’d intended. She didn’t need to know Neely Kate had taken a disastrous turn on the stripper pole.
A mother with two small children was rounding a corner just then, about to head down another aisle. Her mouth dropped open and she gave me the stink eye as she shoved her poor preschool-aged boy on the other side of her, away from me, as though my presence might somehow infect him. Only she pushed him a little too hard and he crashed into a cereal box display on the endcap. An avalanche of boxes came crashing down on him and his mother.
“Look what you did!” Miss Mildred shouted, louder than any loudspeaker could hope to be. Every person in the front of the store turned their attention to her.
“Oh, for heaven’s sake!” I shouted. “I wasn’t anywhere near that display!”
The store manager walked toward the cash register as Bennie—who was sacking my groceries—stared, taking everything in.
Miss Mildred narrowed her eyes and pointed her finger at me. “You are a menace to society. I’m gonna start a petition to have you kicked out of town.”
“You can do that?” If so, maybe I could somehow get Hilary kicked out on her rear. But my excitement over possibly evicting her was short-lived. I quickly remembered Joe saying if he had the authority to force her out of town, he would have done it by now. “Well, I guess that’ll give you some excitement to take your mind off how boring the neighborhood’s become without me.”
That wasn’t the reaction she’d wanted, but she clamped her mouth shut.
The mother of the boy was trying to dig him out from under a pile of boxes while her little girl started sobbing. “I lost my brother!”
The store manager had rushed over to help, but he kept throwing glances my way that clearly said he was trying his best to figure out how to blame me for the latest mishap.
Thankfully, the cashier said, “That will be one hundred and thirty-six dollars and fifty-nine cents.” Her tone let me know she was just as eager to be done with me as her boss was.
Bennie was bagging the last of my items. “Look, Miss Rose. I was careful with your eggs.”
“You did a great job, Bennie,” I said as I dug through the cash in my wallet. The girl was crying louder and her brother had joined in the chorus, although not because he was hurt—he was upset his mother had dug him out of his new fort. The afternoon had gone from bad to worse and I just wanted to go home. When I realized I didn’t have enough cash, I handed the cashier Mason’s credit card.
She glanced at it and turned it over. “This isn’t your card.”
I rested my hands on the small shelf near the conveyer belt, wondering why I hadn’t just slid the card through the card reader. “It’s okay. It’s my boyfriend’s.”
“But it’s not yours.”
“Well, no. But he gave it to me to use.”
She looked over her register toward the fracas behind me. “Ed.”
But Ed was too busy tripping over boxes and dealing with the irate mother to hear her.
“Ed!” she shouted, and when she got his attention, she continued. “We got a case of identity theft at register four.”
What?” I gasped.
The mother looked up at me like I was one of the horsemen of the apocalypse.
Bennie’s eyes widened like saucers. “You’re a thief, Miss Rose?”
“What? No!” I turned to the cashier. “I didn’t steal his identity. If you’ll just call Mason, he’ll tell you it’s okay.”
Miss Mildred gave me a smug grin. “I knew you were wicked since you were little. It was only a matter of time before you were put away in prison.”
“I didn’t steal Mason’s identity!”
The cashier’s frown deepened and it was a wonder she hadn’t set permanent lines in her face. “You can tell it to the Henryetta Police.”
Crappy doodles.

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Denise Grover Swank was born in 
Kansas City, Missouri and lived in the area until she was nineteen. Then she became a nomadic gypsy, living in five cities, four states and ten houses over the course of ten years before she moved back to her roots. She speaks English and smattering of Spanish and Chinese which she learned through an intensive Nick Jr. immersion period. Her hobbies include witty Facebook comments (in own her mind) and dancing in her kitchen with her children. (Quite badly if you believe her offspring.) Hidden talents include the gift of justification and the ability to drink massive amounts of caffeine and still fall asleep within two minutes. Her lack of the sense of smell allows her to
perform many unspeakable tasks.

 She has six children and hasn’t lost her sanity.
Or so she leads you to believe.


Monday, April 20, 2015

Top 10 Tuesday

Today Top 10 Tuesday post is all about your top 10 favorite authors! Top 10 Tuesday is hosted by The Broken and the Bookish.

My Top 10 Favorite Authors are . . .

1. Rachel Vincent
The author of  Shifters Series, Soul Screamers, Lion's Share (werecats/spin-off of shifters), upcoming future releases/New series; The Stars Never rises comes out June 9th, 2015, Menagerie comes out sometimes in 2015. 

2. Kristin Miller
Author of Seattle Pack: Gone with the Wolf (#1), Four Wedding and a werewolf (#2), and So I married a werewolf (#3). New/spin off series San Franisco Pack; The Werewolf wears Prada (#1), and the Blue Lake Series.
3. Jennifer L Armentrout
Author of Covenant series, Lux series, Dark Elements series, A Wicked Saga, as well NA books under her pen name J. Lynñ

4. Denise Grover Swank
Author of The chosen series, curse keepers, but most of all my favorite series the Rose Gardner series. She also has some upcoming books coming out. 

5. Page Morgan
Author of the dispossessed series, all about gargoyles how can you turn that down? The last book is or has been release this month. 

6. Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Author of raised by wolves and among others titles, but the series that she got me hooked is The Naturals, like seriously it's a great mixture of paranormal abilities and FBI cases. 
7. Sophie Jordan
She got a few titles under her belt, the books I read by her is Uninvited seriously love the whole idea of the book and Foreplay which is know as the ivy chronicles which I yet have to dive into the next two book or is it three now? 

8. Mindy Ruiz
Indie author of The Games of Heart, an highly influence Greek mythology and the houses of cards. Vegs-style. One of my favorite top 10 read of 2014.

9. Katie McGarry
Author of the best of contemporary, romance, young love, straight down to the core of emotions type books/series Pushing the limits consist of 5 books and two novella? Plus her upcoming book Nowhere but here is an mixture of bad guys and motorcycles

10. Victoria Scott
Author of Dnate walker severed which I yet still have to read but I'm a huge huge fan of her fire and blood series and I still haven't got my hands on Salt and Stone. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Book Review: The Werewolf Wears Prada

The Werewolf Wears Prada (San Francisco Wolf Pack) by Kristin Miller

The Werewolf Wears PradaMelina Rosenthal worships at the altar of all things fashion. Her dream is to work for the crème de la crème fashion magazine, Eclipse, and she'll do much anything to get there. Even fixing up the image of a gorgeous, sexy public figure who's all playboy, all the time. Even if he's the guy who broke her heart a year ago...

Even if Hayden Dean is a werewolf.

Since his father's death, Hayden's the heir apparent to the San Francisco Wolf Pack—well, once he settles down. Hayden isn't interested in giving up his partying ways, except he's pretty sure he's found his fated mate, and the fact that she's a non-shifter is bad news. Now he must find a compromise between the traditions of his wolf world and his certainty that Melina is his...before fate (or another werewolf) bites them both in the butt.
Kindle Edition, 230 pages
Expected publication: April 28th 2015 by Entangled Covet


In the new spin-off series of Kristin Miller's Seattle Wolf Pack, now called San Francisco Wolf Pack. Hayden Dean has the image of bad boy/playboy factor, but once his father had passed away he's next to be alpha. But Hayden seems to be neglecting that duty and with rouges killing humans on the rise he need to change things around. 

How can that happen? 

Bring in Melina Rae the girl he meet once before and broke her heart
Melina is one step closer to her dream job, but the one thing that stands in her way is Hayden Dean. She must turn his bad boy/playboy image into a suave suit-wearing/take it serious guy. 

Can Melina change him or will he change her? 

Or will they change each other?

I give this 5 Cat's Tails Up!!! Kristin blew my worry away, she delivers new twists to the San Francisco pack that wasn't in the Seattle Pack. I can't wait to see what comes next in this series

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW

WHEW what can I say about this book? I LOVE IT!!!! Now I'll be completely honest I was concern about how Kristin was going to part from the Seattle Wolf Pack storyline and the repetitive that she was going to do as far to the world of her werewolves. However, Kristin really blew me away within the first three chapters, I could already tell that this was different and nothing close to how her Seattle Characters found their luminary.

I love that she play with the idea of bringing a playboy characteristics which is exactly who Hayden Dean is with the exception that he grows fur and turn into a four-legging wolf every full moon. So how does Hayden go from being a playboy to suitable alpha? Not without a little help from Melina whom he met before and broke her heart. PS I also love how Kristin created this kind of "past love" even though for both Hayden and Melina that they only met once and instantly connected. 
Can Hayden make the changes in his life to prove his worth of being alpha?

Beware of the Wolf ..They Dont Just Hide in Sheep Skin  !

Melina clearly has goals, she is what you call maybe the overachiever in order to get to where she want to be in life and an top end fashion magazine called Eclipse. Melina also is very into fashion, PRADA, Versace, Armani, you name it although I could never and would never be able to own any of those name brands. In the story Melina is one step closer to getting her dream job BUT she has to change the image of a playboy which just so happen to be the GUY that asked her out a year ago, stood her up and broke her heart.
Will Melina be able to pull off her one shot at the dream or will something destroy it all?

Oh, I love this Prada dress. I love the button detail and what a great red!

San Francisco has more rouge problems then Seattle ever did (as far we know) it seems that San Francisco started parting packs when the old alpha has died and his son Hayden is next in line although no one believes that he should be given that title if he isn't showing suitable alpha materials.

So there's a struggle for power and control of the entire San Francisco pack, but for now Hayden must do everything he can to prove that he is alpha-worthy and Melina just might be the one to help him to it. 

After reading The werewolf wears Prada, a little seed idea came to me but I'm keeping it to myself although I'll probably rant to Kristin on this idea. I don't know whose going to be the main focus in book two, I would think Gabriel, Hayden right hand man but then again it could be someone else that is just so small of a character that you don't notice him or her.

I'm glad that Kristin was able to make her wolf pack/luminary world with a little diversity, the first SF pack had an interesting diverse that I wonder what the next book is going to be. Even the third book since this particular series/world is three books.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hide & Seek: Every Last Breath

We are so excited to bring you the Cover Reveal for EVERY LAST BREATH, the hotly anticipated conclusion to the Dark Elements trilogy from #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout!! EVERY LAST BREATH is a Young Adult Paranormal being published by Harlequin Teen and is a part of Jennifer L. Armentrout’s The Dark Elements Series. It is being released on July 28th, 2015. Pre-order EVERY LAST BREATH and then be sure to read the first books in this amazing series before its release!

Amazon ** Barnes and Noble ** iBooks ** IndieBound ** Kobo ** BAM

Some loves will last 'til your dying breath Every choice has consequences—but seventeen-year-old Layla faces tougher choices than most. Light or darkness. Wickedly sexy demon prince Roth, or Zayne, the gorgeous, protective Warden she never thought could be hers. Hardest of all, Layla has to decide which side of herself to trust. Layla has a new problem, too. A Lilin—the deadliest of demons—has been unleashed, wreaking havoc on those around her…including her best friend. To keep Sam from a fate much, much worse than death, Layla must strike a deal with the enemy while saving her city—and her race—from destruction. Torn between two worlds and two different boys, Layla has no certainties, least of all survival, especially when an old bargain comes back to haunt them all. But sometimes, when secrets are everywhere and the truth seems unknowable, you have to listen to your heart, pick a side—and then fight like hell… “Armentrout is a major talent…I just can’t stop reading!” --New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter “Armentrout works her magic with swoon-worthy guys and a twist you never see coming.” --#1 New York Times bestselling author Abbi Glines on White Hot Kiss

Every Last Breath - Cover


And we have a surprise for you! The first books in the series have been given a new look too!!

Don't miss the previous titles in The Dark Elements Series-now with new covers! Readers interested in downloading the new cover jackets for their previously purchased Dark Elements Series titles, can download them HERE!

For best results when downloading the new cover jackets:

  • Print on 8.5x14" (Legal paper)
  • Use landscape or horizontal setting = 8.5" tall x 14" wide
  • Print at 100% scale or "actual size"
  • Print with the image centered on page
  • Fold and trim to fit

Amazon ** Barnes and Noble ** BAM ** iBooks ** IndieBound ** Kobo ** Walmart

WHITE HOT KISS synopsis:  
One kiss could be the last. Seventeen-year-old Layla just wants to be normal. But with a kiss that kills anything with a soul, she's anything but normal. Half demon, half gargoyle, Layla has abilities no one else possesses. Raised among the Wardens—a race of gargoyles tasked with hunting demons and keeping humanity safe—Layla tries to fit in, but that means hiding her own dark side from those she loves the most. Especially Zayne, the swoon-worthy, incredibly gorgeous and completely off-limits Warden she's crushed on since forever. Then she meets Roth—a tattooed, sinfully hot demon who claims to know all her secrets. Layla knows she should stay away, but she's not sure she wants to—especially when that whole no-kissing thing isn't an issue, considering Roth has no soul. But when Layla discovers she's the reason for the violent demon uprising, trusting Roth could not only ruin her chances with Zayne…it could brand her a traitor to her family. Worse yet, it could become a one-way ticket to the end of the world.

White Hot Kiss - New Cover

Amazon ** Barnes and Noble ** iBooks ** IndieBound ** Kobo ** BAM

Every touch has its price Layla Shaw is trying to pick up the pieces of her shattered life—no easy task for a seventeen-year-old who’s pretty sure things can’t get worse. Her impossibly gorgeous best friend, Zayne, is forever off-limits thanks to the mysterious powers of her soul-stealing kiss. The Warden clan that has always protected her is suddenly keeping dangerous secrets. And she can barely think about Roth, the wickedly hot demon prince who understood her in ways no one else could. But sometimes rock bottom is only the beginning. Because suddenly Layla’s powers begin to evolve, and she’s offered a tantalizing taste of what has always been forbidden. Then, when she least expects it, Roth returns, bringing news that could change her world forever. She’s finally getting what she always wanted, but with hell literally breaking loose and the body count adding up, the price may be higher than Layla is willing to pay… "Constantly entertaining...the narrative sizzles with as much tension as romance." Kirkus Reviews on White Hot Kiss
Stone Cold Touch - New Cover

And the Prequel Novella, BITTER SWEET LOVE...

Amazon ** Barnes and Noble ** iBooks ** BAM ** Kobo

In a sizzling prequel novella to her new series The Dark Elements, #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout draws readers into the extraordinary, irresistible world of Wardens and demons. Dez wasn't just Jasmine's crush. A gargoyle Warden like Jas, he helped her come to terms with her destiny—fending off demons and maintaining the balance between good and evil. He was her everything…right until the moment he disappeared without a trace. It didn't help that Jas's father had just announced that she and Dez would one day be mated. Hard not to take that personally. And now he's back, three years older, ten times hotter, ready to pick up exactly where they left off. But Jas isn't taking that risk again. Dez has seven days to meet all her conditions and earn back her trust. Seven days filled with terrifying danger and sweet temptation. Seven days to win her heart—or shatter it all over again… "With her signature flare for combining humor, romance and action, Armentrout weaves a fast-paced read that will have readers' hearts racing in more ways than one. Like Armentrout's previous heroines, Jasmine is fun and full of attitude, while Dez is as snarky as he is sexy. This is a must read for new and old fans alike!" -RT Book Reviews 

Author Photo Jennifer L. Armentrout/J.Lynn Bio: # 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV. She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Jennifer L. Armentrout Goodreads | EVERY LAST BREATH Goodreads | STONE COLD TOUCH Goodreads | WHITE HOT KISS Goodreads | BITTER SWEET LOVE Goodreads


Waiting On Wednesday

Waiting On Wednesday 

Okay now that I've read the next four books of the Rose Gardner Series, plus Ripple of Secrets. I can't wait for book 7 Thirty-Four and a Half Predicaments. Yeah I still have to post my reviews of the four books and I'm working on it but I'm treading slowly on that process. 

Denise herself just reveal the cover of Thirty-Four and a Half Predicaments and honselty the covers are just becoming more beautiful!!! 
I'd would be really curious to when Denise is ready to end the series, what kind of cover she would have as the final book. My guess and my hope is that Rose and Mason will get married and obviously have kids or maybe all in one book! The Political influence of JR Simmons will be over, Joe will find someone that he will love just as much as he did with Rose. 
There's a lot of wishes and there's a lot of titles that Denise will have to come up with for the next couple books she has plan.

Thirty-Four and a Half Predicaments (Rose Gardner, #7)

Book seven in the New York Times and USA Today bestselling Rose Gardner Mystery series.

Rose Gardner hates seeing her normally flamboyant best friend Neely Kate struggle with depression. So when Rose stumbles onto a piece of evidence indicating her birth mother might have been involved in a crime, she does the one thing guaranteed to cheer Neely Kate. She convinces her friend to help her solve a mystery. Though their penchant for investigating has gotten them into plenty of pickles in the past, what can go wrong if they’re looking into a case that went cold a quarter of a century ago? But the deeper they dig, the more dirt they unearth.

While she’s busy unraveling the past, Rose must also reprise her role as the Lady in Black as part of her ongoing agreement with the king of the Fenton County underworld. In so doing, she discovers a mysterious enemy is intent on attacking her friends, and her assistant DA boyfriend might be next on the list.

As both situations reach a boiling point, Rose must face the possibility that certain secrets were meant to remain buried and not even her special talent can get her out of every predicament.
Expected publication: April 28th 2015 by DGS 
 Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes (Rose Gardner Mysteries, #1)Twenty-Nine and a Half Reasons (Rose Gardner, #2)Thirty and a Half Excuses (Rose Gardner, #3)Falling to Pieces (Rose Gardner, #3.5) 

 Thirty-One and a Half Regrets (Rose Gardner, #4)Thirty-Two and a Half Complications (Rose Gardner, #5)Picking Up the Pieces (Rose Gardner, #5.5)Thirty-Three and a Half Shenanigans (Rose Gardner, #6) 
Ripple of Secrets (Rose Gardner, #6.5)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Top 10 Tuesday

Top 10 Tuesday
Top 10 Tuesday Meme is hosted by The Broke and the bookish
Today topic is who are the Top 10 Characters I would like to check back in with . . .

With All My Soul (Soul Screamers, #7)Opal (Lux, #3)Rise (Nightshade Prequel, #2)Spell Bound (Hex Hall, #3)

First it would be with my favorite YA book/series,

1. Soul Screamers
Kaylee & Tod, Nash & Sabine, Emma, yes even Sophie(Kaylee's wicked cousin so to speak) as well all the adults that were involved in the series. Harmony, Brendan, Aiden.
I practically grew up with these guys or at least through my last year of high school while I spend a time rereading the books before the next one came out. Then ending with everybody in 2013, where everyone got a happy ending.
What is Kaylee and Tod are doing in their eternal life?. . . probably spending every waking moment.
What is Nash and Sabine doing? . . . Finishing up college, Nash is living an addicted free life & maybe wedding bells?
What is Emma doing? . . . Who knows where she'll go
What is Sophie doing? . . . probably enjoying her time being a big sister and smooching her necromancer Lucas
2. Lux Series
Daemon and Katy BLACK
Daemon and Katy story hit me like wildfire!  So there series has ended with Opposition, people were still like what about an Alien Baby? Now Jennifer did give us an unoffical future down the down and katy and Daemon "will' have a baby. But I left wondering what been going on in their world?
Beyond having babies, what is everyone doing in their daily lives?

3. Prequel Nightshade series
 Ember and Barrow
Rise was just a little too leave me hanging, I know the author will try to get back to that world after she fulfill her other books committees because really the War has just begun.  I want wedding bells between Barrow and Ember, I want the epic finale that lead up to Calla's story.
So will there be wedding bells? Will there be an epic finale?

4. Hex Hall 
Sophie Mercer 
This series was by far the best book I had read that involves witchcraft/warlocks with a special school for all those growing parents. This was an alternative of Harry Potter world so I was very into it when I began reading it. The only thing I didn't really see an offical happy ending so I have no idea what's going on in Sophie's world.
So what's new in the world of Hex Hall and what's Sophie been up to?

How about some urban fantasy/Adult novels?

Alpha (Shifters, #6)Gone with the Wolf (Seattle Wolf Pack, #1)Blood Bound (Unbound, #1)

1. Shifters/werecats
Right now I'm getting a little peek into Faythe's world as Alpha, a wife and clearly a mom! In Lion's Share so I'm beyond happy to see everything is all and well at the Lazy S even with a few kids running around. Go Figures!

2. Seattle Wolf Pack
I'm writing a fan-fic of this series so I kind of had a mind of what's going on in some of my favorite couple Emelia and Drake. Even when they appears in the next two books of the Seattle pack. So far it's three kids right? I'd expect more in the near future, it would be nice if Kristin could write just a little novella of them down the road but I think I'm already doing that kind of

3. Blood Bound series
Cam and Olivia, now clearly these two have gone through hell and back for each other. They were nearly engaged but then suffer a tragic breakup then got back together again and serving one of the most powerful people sharing their committed time. You wonder where anyone after their service binding is done, what do they do next? And that goes for the same with Kori and Ian, Sera and Kris.
But also I would love if the author did an book on Noelle who was killed but had a relationship thus having a child with one of the powerful men. I believe there's a story there but who knows maybe it will be another fan-fic project for me.

I really can't think of 10 characters from 10 books, I got seven . . .