
Friday, February 20, 2015

Kitty Blitz: Lion's Share

With Lion's Share coming out in just a few days, I thought I would brush up to you newbies or veterans on Rachel's self-published-new book.

I read Rachel's Shifters Series way in the beginning of 2011, yes I know I've been living under a rock at that time my bad. I immediately fell in love with Faythe, her being so strong-willed and stubborn on top of it being a Tabby werecat.

Cats are about my favorite animal in the world and I really at that time and place I was looking for something with Cats in them and that how I came across Rachel's books. It had the right components that I was looking for in a book even though I didn't know what to expect once I started reading it.

You meet Faythe's family basically, her on and off again ex-boyfriend Marc, the brother's best friend girl crush Jace and then you meet a whole lot of trouble.

I finsihed her series as quickly as I could get them since I had to order some and wait for the mail to come, and then I re-read them . . . I still love them and then I re-read them again. Still REALLY LOVE them and then I secretly wish that there was more.

Well Rachel answers everyone's hope, she decided to dive back into that world and present New Rules, New dangers and A different Alpha.

Lion's Share is taken place  a couples years after ALPHA the conclusion of Faythe's journey but don't worry she'll pop in every now and then in Lion's Share in Abby Wade's point of view. Abby is Faythe's cousin had went through a pretty traumatic experience (Taken placed in Stray) being tied up, beaten, and raped.  Now she's older, more stubborn, more rules breaking and is running but from what?

Lion's Share is an NA romance genre, a whole new ball game with Jace being the Alpha in this story and Abby being a nuisance to him, he has to show her who's the boss . . . MAYBE?

Abby Wade has a dangerous secret.

Two months ago, she disobeyed an order, but instead of kicking her out of the Pride, Jace offered her a job. Since then, she’s been battling a completely inappropriate crush on the young, hot Alpha. But when accepting his job offer seems like the only way to keep her skeletons safely in their closet, Abby doesn’t hesitate.

Jace Hammond has a big problem.

A rogue is slaughtering humans in his territory, and he must eliminate the threat before the entire shifter species is exposed. There could not be a worse time for Abby to accept a job he only offered as a boost to her confidence. Abby is smart, beautiful, and resilient—more than enough to distract any man from the mission. Unfortunately, she may just be the worst enforcer ever to hold the title.

As they hunt the killer, Abby’s secret becomes a threat to Jace’s authority and to her own life. But the real danger is the grip she has on his twice-shy heart.

Release  February 23, 2015
Where to Buy
Paperback edition TBD

A Look back . . .

There are only eight breeding female werecats left . . .
And I'm one of them.
I look like an all-American grad student. But I am a werecat, a shape-shifter, and I live in two worlds. 

Despite reservations from my family and my Pride, I escaped the pressure to continue my species and carved out a normal life for myself. Until the night a Stray attacked. 

I'd been warned about Strays -- werecats without a Pride, constantly on the lookout for someone like me: attractive, female, and fertile. I fought him off, but then learned two of my fellow tabbies had disappeared. 

This brush with danger was all my Pride needed to summon me back . . . for my own protection. Yeah, right. 

But I'm no meek kitty. I'll take on whatever -- and whoever -- I have to in order to find my friends. Watch out, Strays -- 'cause I got claws, and I'm not afraid to use them . . . 

Released in June 2007 by Mira Books

Okay, so cats don't always land on their feet.  

I know that better than most. Since rejoining the Pride, I've made big decisions and even bigger mistakes: the kind paid for with innocent lives. As the first and only female enforcer, I have plenty to prove to my father, the Pride, and myself. And with murdered toms turning up in our territory, I'm working harder than ever, though I always find the energy for a little after-hours recreation with Marc, my partner both on- and off-duty. 

But not all of my mistakes are behind me. We're beginning to suspect that the dead are connected to a rash of missing human women and that they can all be laid at my feet--two or four, take your pick. And one horrible indiscretion may yet cost me more than I can bear... 

Released in April 2008 by Mira Books 

I'm on trial for my life. Falsely accused of infecting my human ex-boyfriend--and killing him to cover up the crime. Infecting a human is one of three capital offenses recognized by the Pride--along with murder and disclosure of our existence to a human.I'm two for three. A goner. 

Now we've discovered a rogue stray terrorizing the mountainside, hunting a wild teenage tabbycat. It's up to us to find and stop him before a human discovers us. With my lover Marc's help, I "think" I can protect the vulnerable girl from both the ambitious rogue and the scheming of the territorial council. 

"If" I survive my own trial... 

Released in Feburary 2009 by Mira Books

Sometimes playing cat and mouse is no game...Play? "Right." My Pride is under fire from all sides, my father's authority is in question and my lover is in exile. Which means I haven't laid eyes on Marc's gorgeous face in months. And with a new mother "and" an I-know-everything teenager under my protection, I don't exactly have time to fantasize about ever seeing him again.

Then our long-awaited reunion is ruined by a vicious ambush by strays. Now our group is under attack, Marc is missing and I will need every bit of skill and smarts to keep my family from being torn apart. Forever.

Released in July 2009 by Mira Books

Being the first female werecat enforcer isn't easy. Scars accumulate, but I'm stronger in so many ways.

As for my personal life? It's complicated. Choices worth making always are. Ever since my brother's death and my father's impeachment, it's all I can do to prevent more blood from spilling. Now our Pride is under attack by a flight of vicious thunderbirds. And making peace with our new enemies may be the only way to get the best of our old foe.

With the body count rising and treachery everywhere, my instincts tell me to look before I leap. But sometimes a leap of faith is the only real option...

Released in Feburary 2010 by Mira Books

 The unscrupulous new Council chair has charged Jace, Marc and me with trespassing, kidnapping, murder and treason. Yeah, we've been busy. But now it's time to take justice into our own hands. 

We must avenge my brother's death and carve out the rot at the heart of the Council.It's not going to be easy, and loss seems unavoidable, but I have promised to protect my Pride, no matter what. 

With a target on my back and Marc at my side, I'm heading for a final showdown that can--that will--change everything forever. A showdown I'm not sure I'm ready for.But life never waits until you're ready.

Released in October 2010 by Mira Books

Hunt (Shifters #6.5)
This short story was previously in the anthology Chicks Kick But

It’s been more than four years since Abby Wade survived capture and torture by a quartet of rogue shifters. Back then she was a scared kid, just trying to survive.

Now Abby is all grown up, and if she’s learned anything from training with Faythe Sanders, the world’s first female Alpha, it’s that she can take care of herself—and anyone else who comes along. So when her college roommate is abducted from a campsite deep in the Appalachian woods, Abby knows exactly how to get her back…

The rules of the hunt are simple. Kill or be killed.

Abby Wade is not ready to die

Released Originally June 2011, Re-Released in October 2014

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