
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Years Resolution: Bookish things


You know ti's that time again, to talk about that list of things to achieve by the date of December 31st 2015.

But let's review the 2014 Resolution, which was under Parajunkee New Year's Challenge: day 14 Blogger Wishlist of 2014

In Review

My Blogger Wishlist

  • A new design for SassyCat's Book Review
  • Cat's Tails Raters 
  • Discover New Book Boyfriends
  • Reunite with Old Book Boyfriends
  • Guys Team sidebar banners
  • Meet other Blogger Buddies
  • Meet Author Buddies
  • More Book Challenges . . .  You should consider what I'm doing, Reading all Series based books
  • Attend Book Cons/Author Events (When possible) 
Well I got a few of those things done, I did attend an wonderful con called UtopYA that took place in Nashville, TN. It was all indies authors as well and boy I had no idea how many indies authors there were! That where I met most of my authors buddies and some blogger buddies, but most of my bloggers buddies are found online.

I did in fact get a new design! Hence what it is right now, I actually won it from a parajunkee giveaway which I'm so grateful for and that she helped me put it all up.

Did I discover new Book Boyfriends? YES! But I also reunited with some old Book Boyfriends.

Did I fullfilled my own book reading challenge? NO!!!! Reading series books was a lot harder than I thought and then school completely took my time away from any reading so I didn't even reach my 50 books mark but I was almost close.

So what's my plan for 2015? Bookish related things

  • Hopefully be on a couple book tours/blog tours
  • Read some books that I got from UtopYA
  • Read some books that I left behind in 2014 that were supposed to be on my to read list
  • Help spread the words on some indies authors and new book releases
  • Complete all my late reviews, yes there are quite a few . . . :-(
  • Discover some books that people were raving on this year that I couldn't get my paws on or just simply had to wait
  • Help an author with her street team and recruit some people

1 comment:

  1. I hope you accomplish all those things!! Happy 2015 :)

    Eileen @ BookCatPin
