
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Best Couples of 2014


Today is day two of the Top 10 of 2014 meme, and today we were offered a wide range of stuff to choose, such as Villains, Contemporaries, Dual POV's, Novellas, Adult titles, New Adult titles, Love Triangles, Couples, Bad Boys, Debuts, ect. REMEMBER - this list MUST be from books you've READ in 2014.

I chose top 10 couples which was actually a lot harder than I thought and I think it might be due to the lack of wide variety of books that I read this year. 

Top 10 Couples of 2014 

I'm not sure if I can list 10 couples but let's see

Tella and Guy (Fire & Blood) 
These two don't hit it off right away only because they are both in a competiton basic fight to the death and try to survive each tasks at hand. They're both reserve and quiet but they are great allies to one another and I can't wait to see what Salt and Stone book two of Fire and Blood has in store for them. 

Layla and Roth (The Dark Elements)
A guy Layla could actually kiss without stealing his soul and some sexy tattos that are totally mesmerizing on his body. Roth was immediately drawn to her and wanted to know everything single thing about her. And he's grows jealous of Zayne who knows her more than he would ever will. 

Pepper and Recce (The Ivy Chronicles) 
Talk about experimenting with a super hot bartender only to be able to seem expereince for another guy Pepper been pining for since she was a young girl. Recce definitely sees the real Pepper, and knows that she's a little flick of fire that needs to start burning flaming hot. 

Davy and Sean (Uninvited) 
Although they had nothing in common and Sean is use to being the rule breaker and typical bad boy image bu for Davy her life just got a whole lot darker. I saw Sean as a glimpse of light for Davy now that genetics basically ruins any chances of her living out her dreams but she grow slowly to Sean and find him somewhat attractive. They're in the same battle with the world, why not conquer it together? 

Gabby and Nolan (The Depossessed) 
An perfect couples that will do anything to be together.mi love gabby and Nolan from the start, they didn't care if their world wouldn't allow this kind of pairing but with gabby hews throng courage and Nolan there to help her along the way. It couldn't be any better

A.J and Cassandra (Games of Hearts) 
A growing attraction but with a never ending war and demanding gods, could these two stick it together or will one take a gamble of their life to save mankind. 

Katy and Daemon (Lux) 
Okay no question to why Katy and daemon made it on the list. 

Haley and West (Pushing The Limits) 
West gave Haley the courage she didn't think she had anymore and West grew to be a better person with Haley being around. They both done a lot of wrongs but the one thing they did right was by being together. 

Dez and Jasmine (The Dark Elements)
Talk about a firy reunion, a love/hate relationship but are truly soulmate. 

America and Maxon (The Selection)
Both America and Maxon both sort of hates the idea of the selection but they couldn't be more gretful that the selection is what brought them together. Yes they fought on and off, shared personal things and have their own little dates unofficially. 

Alexa and Ben (off the subject)
These two knows that even though they have their ups and downs, meeting each other was the greatest future they could ever asked for. 

Make sure to stop by tomorrow and see the Top 10 Book Boyfriends list.

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