
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Best Book Cover of 2014

I always like this post, since we can gush on covers! And perhaps have a book cover War!

When I heard about Sophie's YA/thriller book and heard the description I knew they had to make sure that the cover was spectacular and this one was. It was different from normal covers where a girl is upright rather than sideways but even her hair had components of what the actually book is about.  See all those DNA Hair strands at the bottom?

Uninvited by Sophie Jordan 

Enchanted Heart is another favorite of mine as well the cover (Mae I Design is responisble for the amazing cover) Although you didn't know much about what Enchanted Heart was, the cover was perfect with black, a little bit of red/ruby colors as well a shining heart pendant. The second cover is also amazing by the way. 

Enchanted Heart by Mindy Ruiz

How about a new and improve cover of Hunt by Rachel Vincent? I really can't wait for Lion's Share that will star both Jace and Abby. Now thinking on it I don't know if Hunt ever really had a cover LOL!

Hunt by Rachel Vincent

I'm sure there are other books that were released this year that many have read but I have not nor do I own them much less read them.

Those were my picks! How about you?

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