
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

12 Days of Christmas: Day Four

Announcing the 12 Days of Christmas Book Blogmas Challenge 

"He's making a list,
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice."

Day Four: Book Characters on the Naughty list

HA HA HA!!!! This should be fun!!!!

  1. Dante (The Lost Amulet Chronicles) He's been a very very naughty boy with greed slap cross his forehead. 
  2. Collin Dailey (Curse's Keepers), his actions are what got him on the naughty list
  3. Daemon Black (Lux series) you know he likes to act naughty

 Yeah I'm horrible at choosing characters to be naughty.  

Check back tomorrow for those on the Nice List, hint they will most likely be the female characters

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