
Monday, December 15, 2014

12 Days of Christmas Book Blogmas: Day 2

Announcing the 12 Days of Christmas Book Blogmas Challenge 

 I"M BACK! WHEW I thought that semester was never going to end!!!!!! 

So I'm desperately behind on a lot of things, but let's start by Parajunkee's 12 Days Book Blogmas Challenge!!!!!

Since I can't do Day one and Day two I need to share with you my creative side of what it mean to have a really great Christmas card made by me and no I'm not exaggerating.


I still have this one because I couldn't part with it. And if you want to see more (this year's cards probably won't make it on my pinterest board until much later like after Christmas later because I'm still working on them) Yes I know I'm late but I have a really good excuse for it. 

Here's my Pinterest board link: Card Designs 

Stay tune for Day three post!!!!

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