
Sunday, December 21, 2014

12 Days of Blogmas: Day 8


Day 8:  Show off my style

MMM . . . this would actually required me to take pictures of what I normally wear during the holidays.

But I decided against posting pictures just because I'm still recovering from my stress overload and I tend to break out a little.

My style would be typically dark jeans, long sleeve whatever color suits my day, and an occasion scarf every now and then.

CasualI do wear boots, I actually just have a new pair that I really really love so if the snow plays nicely and there's no ice I might wear them to the Christmas brunch.

It's not much, I'm more laid back on dressing up for the holidays and I typically wear one of my wrap style tops when we go out for the Christmas brunch.

This year I was thinking of wearing my Lion King tee shirt that I got a few months ago (yes I haven't worn it yet because it's been cold) So I might be rocking a Disney look for Christmas. 

I either wear my hair up or down, mostly down but I am in desperate need of a hair cut and I'm just too busy to make a call to my hairdresser, have I mention I got a lot on my plate?

photo is taken from my pinterest board "Fashion"

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