
Sunday, October 5, 2014

My Book Life Challenge

Here's the first! I got challenge by Bekka of Great Imagination to come up with a post title "My Book Life"
What is My Book Life? It's simple you take characters from books and identify them as your family members and the people in your life.

This should be fun!

Soul Screamers Volume Four (Soul Screamers, #7, 0.4, 7.5) 
Who would play my dad? 
Aidan Cavanuagh's Kaylee over-protective dad is almost exactly like my dad. 
They're both willing to give us the world, they also want to protect us from all the bad

Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1)
Who would play my mom?
Blythe Gray, Nora's Mom might fit the role. It hard to really pick a mother role from a book when some are really not like my mom at all and some of the books I've read mother have sent their daughter to somewhere which my mom would never do. 

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, #3)
Who would play my cat Buddy? 
Probably Crookshanks he's almost the same breed but is a long-haired breed and orange. You've seen my cat on twitter so he's quiet large and brown. 

 Gone with the Wolf (Seattle Wolf Pack, #1)
Where would I live?
 Sorry I can't imagine too much of a fantasy world, so it will be urban fantasy that will help me pick a spot. My cousin would love this, because this book is taken place in Seattle. I'm not a small town girl like some books takes place, it would drive me crazy to live in a very small town.

Demonglass (Hex Hall, #2)
What school would I go to?
HEX HALL!!!! I love that school so much that I wish it was real! 

Blood Bound (Unbound #1)
What would be my Job?
A Free-lancing skilled, being able to work jobs to jobs without being blood-tied to one of the powerful men in the city.

Opal (Lux, #3)
Who would be my Best Friend? 
Katy (Kat) whose a book blogger and we both love books :-) Yes we both have the same name and that is how my real best friend in life is too. Hers is Katie, so Katy is pretty darn close.

 Alpha (Shifters, #6)
My significant other?
(HOW DO YOU CHOOSE?) I'm going to go with Marc Ramos since he was my first book boyfriend before I knew what Book Boyfriend was. HE will push me to overcome all the fears and worry that I may have and he won't let me accept defeat.

Now I have to challenge other people!!!!
Jessica (Formerly known as Hackaroo's Review) Reviews from a book loving mom
Jen of Jenuine Cupcakes

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