
Monday, October 27, 2014

Kitty Blitz: A Place Beyond

Title: A Place Beyond 
Author: Laura Howard 
Series: The Danaan Trilogy #3 
Genre: New Adult, Fantasy 
Expected Publication: October 27th, 2014 

The time has come. Allison's quest to save her mother from Aoife's wicked enchantment will test everything she believes in. Who is trustworthy in the land of the Fair Folk, the Tuatha de Danaan?

It's up to Allison, along with her ragtag host of allies, to unravel the truth. Journey along and discover the power of love and duty as Allison faces the most difficult trial of her life.




Ethan raised himself up on his elbow and pressed his finger into the space between my eyebrows.

“I wish I could make this go away,” he said softly.

“Don’t tell me I have wrinkles,” I said, my lame attempt at a joke making him crack a little smile.

“No,” he said, dragging his finger lightly down my cheek. “In fact, you couldn’t be more beautiful.”

I just laughed, I didn’t have anything even resembling a witty comeback in me.

“You are,” he continued. “It’s killing me that I can’t take all this pain away from you.”

He ducked his head for a second before meeting my eyes again. “I would do anything to make it easier for you, you know.”

I swallowed and stared at his earnest expression, overcome by his words. “I know you would.”

Ethan ran his hand through my hair. “Good.”

I twisted to face him, tentatively bringing my hands up to his shoulders. “I’m really glad you’re here.”

His lashes lowered, hiding his eyes. I smoothed my fingers up his neck and pulled him to me, kissing him softly.

He returned the kiss and there was something so tender about the way he held my face in his hands. Like I was precious.


About Laura

Laura Howard lives in New Hampshire with her husband and four children. Her obsession with books began at the age of 6 when she got her first library card. Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High and other girly novels were routinely devoured in single sittings. Books took a backseat to diapers when she had her first child. It wasn’t until the release of a little novel called Twilight, 8 years later, that she rediscovered her love of fiction. Soon after, her own characters began to make themselves known. The Forgotten Ones is her first published novel.



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Friday, October 24, 2014

Book Review: Hunt

HUNT (Shifter #6.5) By Rachel Vincent 

Hunt (Shifters #6.5)This short story was previously in the anthology Chicks Kick But

It’s been more than four years since Abby Wade survived capture and torture by a quartet of rogue shifters. Back then she was a scared kid, just trying to survive.

Now Abby is all grown up, and if she’s learned anything from training with Faythe Sanders, the world’s first female Alpha, it’s that she can take care of herself—and anyone else who comes along. So when her college roommate is abducted from a campsite deep in the Appalachian woods, Abby knows exactly how to get her back…

The rules of the hunt are simple. Kill or be killed.

Abby Wade is not ready to die.


Published October 20th 2014 by Smashwords Edition (first published January 1st 2014)
This is an short review, now normally I would just review it on Goodread because it is short but I felt that this need some media attention for all Rachel Vincent's fans and Shifters fans. 

Abby been through a lot in the last four years, both emotionally, mentally and physically. She was beaten, scarred and also raped against Rouge Strays that were after females tabbies including herself, her tabby friend Sara and cousin Faythe Sanders.

But now four years later, Abby have gain back her strength and is ready to face anything that comes her way but when the attack is too close to her past and way to inhumane she need to fight.

Either Kill or BE Killed . . . 

Can Abby face the darkness against humans killers?

Or will she be part of their hunt game?

Meow . . . Meow . . . Meow 
 GOSH it's been so long since I've read Rachel Vincent's Shifters series, and I actually was late getting on the train of her series. Only to have find her adult book in early 2011 and realize that the final book of her Shifter series was release in 2010.

Stray (Shifters, #1)Rogue (Shifters, #2)Pride (Shifters, #3)Prey (Shifters, #4)Shift (Shifters, #5)Alpha (Shifters, #6)

The good part of finding a series is that you don't have to wait for the final book but then you face that sadness that it's over after just gotten to know about the books and the author's dedication to the series.
I have had read Hunt in the Chicks Kicks Butt but I barely remembered it so when Rachel did a revision I went ahead and purchase the ebook of the newly revised Hunt with an excerpt of her . . . Wait for it.

Wait for it . . .

Wait . . .

And Pounce! 

A Spin-off of Shifters!

Now back to Hunt, it's about Abby Wade (Faythe's cousin) venturing off to be her own, to learn about who she is and what she viewed as herself being a full grown young adult tabby. We also get a glimpse of Jace (you all should know him by now unless you never read the series) But he's now Alpha to Appalachian territory.

I can see that both Abby and Jace have grew within the first few pages of Hunt. What happens in Hunt really put Abby to the test. She thought that she would be safe being away from home and enjoying as much she can living normal just like her cousin Faythe did.

But when a camping trip goes horribly, horribly wrong and Abby is on the brink of revealing that werecats exists to stone cold killers. It turns out that they were on the HUNT for Abby herself . . . WHY?

Abby was forced to make a decision to either cower into hiding or expose what she is to her friends as well the stone cold killers, but it didn't matter the KILLERS knew what she already was and has killed three of her college friends because of it.

Are humans hunting more than just deers, bears, and turkeys or are they hunting for a much greater game of Hunters Vs Cat?

Whether I can say I like the revised edition better, I simply can't because it's been so long since I read Hunt in Chicks Kicks Butt and why would I torture myself with how much of a difference there is between editions? 

Either way I love Rachel's Writing and I can't wait to read/get my grabby Paws on Lion's Share

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Kitty Blitz: Stone Cold Touch

SCT RDL Banner Final  

We are thrilled to bring you the Release Day Launch for Jennifer L. Armentrout's STONE COLD TOUCH! STONE COLD TOUCH is the second full-length novel in Jennifer's The Dark Elements Series, a young adult paranormal romance being published by Harlequin Teen!!

Cold Stone Touch

Amazon ** Barnes and Noble ** Kobo ** iTunes

Every touch has its price Layla Shaw is trying to pick up the pieces of her shattered life—no easy task for a seventeen-year-old who’s pretty sure things can’t get worse. Her impossibly gorgeous best friend, Zayne, is forever off-limits thanks to the mysterious powers of her soul-stealing kiss. The Warden clan that has always protected her is suddenly keeping dangerous secrets. And she can barely think about Roth, the wickedly hot demon prince who understood her in ways no one else could. But sometimes rock bottom is only the beginning. Because suddenly Layla’s powers begin to evolve, and she’s offered a tantalizing taste of what has always been forbidden. Then, when she least expects it, Roth returns, bringing news that could change her world forever. She’s finally getting what she always wanted, but with hell literally breaking loose and the body count adding up, the price may be higher than Layla is willing to pay... 

SCT available now


I’d remained in bed after that, trying to sort through the odd tingling in my chest. There was a slight smile on my lips, because Zayne…well, he’d made my day, but then I’d remember what Roth had said to me the night before and the smile would wash away as if it had never been there.

I probably needed to get used to the whiplash mood swings.

It wasn’t until after dinner that I decided to scrub a day’s worth of gunk off myself.Gingerly, I peeled the bandage off, happy to find that the cut in my arm was healing as expected. I didn’t need to cover it anymore. The arm was still tender, but the Warden blood in me was quickly undoing the damage from the iron.

After changing into fresh pj’s, like a total hermit, I padded over to my desk, where I’d left my cell phone. It had been on silent all day and when I tapped the screen, I wasn’t surprised to see a slew of texts from Stacey.

Where r u?

R u skipping, u ho?

A minute later: Your locker misses u. Guess u sick with the herp?
Oh my God. I laughed out loud, grinning as I thumbed through her texts. Our bio sub is still hot. U r missing this.

Bio is lonely.

My boobs miss u. How weird is that?

That was notably weird and yet not surprising.

If I get my cell taken from me, it’s ur fault.

Holy shit, Layla, where r u?!?

Air punched out of my lungs as I read the next text and the several following them.

U have no idea who just walked into bio!!!

Roth is here!

Holy Canola oil, why aren’t u here to witness this?

Ok. He says he had mono. Srlsy? Do people still get mono? And who in the duck was he kissing? A second later—Duck? I didn’t mean duck. That’s SO not what I meant, autocorrect.

Another text had come in about fifteen minutes after the last one. He asked where u were. I told him u joined a cult. I laughed. He didn’t.

Finally, the last text was to call her if I wasn’t dead.

What in the Hell?” I tossed my cell onto the bed, mouth hanging open.


And don't forget! The choice is yours... 

Beginning today you’ll have 3 weeks to visit the series website,, to take a poll and decide which guy Layla should ultimately choose in the final book in the trilogy, Every Last Breath.

At the end of 3 weeks, we will tally all the votes, and that’s when Jennifer L. Armentrout will start writing Every Last Breath. The guy who gets the most votes is the one Layla will pick. 

To prevent early spoilers, we're not going to reveal who won the poll in advance…you’ll have to wait until Every Last Breath goes on sale on July 28th, 2015 to find out whether Zayne or Roth wins Layla in the end. We promise the book will be epic and definitely worth the wait! 

Who do you want Layla to end up with? 
 Go to and vote for your choice!    

Author PhotoAbout Jennifer L. Armentrout: 
# 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV.   She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.   

Series Website | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Jennifer L. Armentrout Goodreads | STONE COLD TOUCH Goodreads


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hide & Seek: 33 and a Half ShenanigansAmazon UK


Can I just tell you that I've in love with the recent covers of Denise Grover Swank's Rose Garnder books

I love how the covers and Rose wearing a very classy dress(s) in the last two covers this one included.

So first a little info on what Thirty-Three and a Half Shenanigan is all about . . . . Available November 4!

Rose is called into action when Neely Kate’s cousin goes missing and the police refuse to take it seriously. But while the authorities—Rose’s ex-boyfriend, included—are certain the missing woman has run away, mounting evidence points to foul play. Rose agrees to help her friend, even if it means partaking in Neely Kate’s shenanigans, including an impromptu trip to a strip club.

And because trouble never comes without a guest, Skeeter Malcolm, Fenton County’s newly crowned underground king, resurfaces, saying he needs Rose’s visionary gift to track down his enemies. He makes her the only offer she can’t refuse: The guaranteed safety of her assistant DA boyfriend, Mason Deveraux, who is being threatened by forces unknown. The Fenton County law enforcement is still abuzz about the infamous Lady in Black, who took part in the underground auction that earned Skeeter his crown. Can Rose risk a reprisal of her role?

As the stakes continue to rise and the search for Neely Kate’s cousin becomes increasingly complicated, Rose must struggle to keep both her secret identity and her sanity.


Now are you ready to see the cover?


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Kitty Blitz: Dirty Blood Box set Sale

“Heather Hildenbrand is one of my favorite YA paranormal authors. Her Dirty Blood series is a must-read!” -Ella James, author of the Stained series






I killed a girl last night. I did it with my bare hands and an old piece of pipe I found lying next to the dumpster. But that’s not the part that got me. The part that scared me, the part I can’t seem to wrap my head around and still has me reeling, was that when she charged me, her body shifted – and then she was a wolf. All snapping teeth and extended claws. But by the time I stood over her lifeless body, she was a girl again. That’s about the time I went into shock… And that was the moment he showed up.

Now, all I can do is accept the truths that are staring me in the face. One, Werewolves do exist. And two, I was born to kill them.


Wood Point Academy is not at all what I expected.

For one thing, it looks like a cross between military school and Buckingham Palace. Everyone stares, the floors shine so bright you can see your reflection in them from a mile away, and no one smiles. Unless they're kicking your butt in the process.

At least I've got plenty to take my mind off the fact that my psycho cousin, Miles De'Luca, keeps calling and declaring his love and promising to come for me just as soon as he's destroyed anyone standing in our way. Wes isn't going to like that idea. So between Miles, Wood Point's evil welcoming committee, and the drill sergeant hottie trainer from hell, I just keep asking myself, how did I end up here?


If I had to choose one word to sum up all of my problems, this would be it.
Without hybrids, I wouldn’t have to watch my best friend slowly becoming a monster. Without hybrids, I could let go of the mentality “hunt or be hunted.” CHAS wouldn’t be scouring the Earth, intent on slaughtering and using Alex to do it. Without hybrids, I wouldn’t have to be on guard that losing my temper meant losing my shape. There would be no monster inside me, struggling to get out.

Then again, without hybrids, I wouldn’t have Wesley St. John.


That’s how many hybrids survived the Hunter attack in the woods after I revived them with an injection of my blood. That’s how many followed me home to Frederick Falls. And that’s how many were now mentally linked to me through a blood bond.

Two days. Three valium. Fourteen hours of sleep.
That’s what it took to realize I wasn’t losing my mind as a result of the noise in my own head.

That’s how many days have passed since I almost killed Alex. That’s how many days I’ve sat by his bedside, waiting for him to wake up. To ease the guilt, to understand his betrayal, to remember the exact shade of brown in his eyes.

That’s my chances of skating by with Gordon Steppe and the Hunter Council. They want me for questioning. I’m afraid what’ll happen if I give them answers.

RAFFLECOPTER GIVEAWAY: <a id="rc-5e03d79614" class="rafl" href="" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>
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Author of Across the Galaxy, Whisper, and the Dirty Blood series. I write, read, and fuss at my kids. Oh, and I do laundry, lots of laundry. I'm pretty good at it, too. Sometimes I even read WHILE doing laundry - and fussing at my kids. I'm a multi-tasker.

For more information on my books, release dates, or just general stalker material, um, I mean FAN material, visit my website. I love hearing from readers!

Likes and dislikes? I love vintage tees, hate socks with sandals, and if my house was on fire the one thing I'd grab is my Amazon Fire TV! (oh yeah, I'm a fan of puns :-)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hide & Seek: Fall With Me

Fall With Me (Wait For You #4) By J Lynn


FALL WITH ME Synopsis:

Eleven months ago, bartender and weird-shirt-wearing extraordinaire Roxy and Officer Reece Anders had a one night stand. Well, kind of. She’s been in love with him since she was fifteen, and he wishes that night they shared never happened. She’s sworn him off forever, but the past and future collide, forcing her to rely on the one man who broke her heart not once, but twice.

Her best friend since birth has been in a long-term care facility since he became a victim of a hate crime years ago, and the person who put him in there is out of prison and wanting to make amends with him and Roxy. She’s not sure she has room for forgiveness in her and when she begins to receive frightening messages and is on the receiving end of escalating violence, she thinks she knows who is to blame. The man who already destroyed one life already.

But Reece isn’t convinced. The threats are too personal, and even if Roxy doesn’t believe him, he’s not willing to let anyone hurt her. Including himself. He’s already messed up more than once when it comes to Roxy and he’s not going to let history repeat itself.

About Jennifer L. Armentrout:

# 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV.

She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.


Image Map

W.O.W Feature

Title: A Place Beyond
Author: Laura Howard
Genre: New Adult, Fantasy
Expected Publication: October 27th, 2014

The time has come. Allison's quest to save her mother from Aoife's wicked enchantment will test everything she believes in.
Who is trustworthy in the land of the Fair Folk, the Tuatha de Danaan? It's up to Allison,  along with her ragtag host of allies, to unravel the truth.
Journey along and discover the power of love and duty as Allison faces the most difficult trial of her life.


About Laura

Laura Howard lives in New Hampshire with her husband and four children. Her obsession with books began at the age of 6 when she got her first library card. Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High and other girly novels were routinely devoured in single sittings. Books took a backseat to diapers when she had her first child. It wasn’t until the release of a little novel called Twilight, 8 years later, that she rediscovered her love of fiction. Soon after, her own characters began to make themselves known. The Forgotten Ones is her first published novel.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

My Book Life Challenge

Here's the first! I got challenge by Bekka of Great Imagination to come up with a post title "My Book Life"
What is My Book Life? It's simple you take characters from books and identify them as your family members and the people in your life.

This should be fun!

Soul Screamers Volume Four (Soul Screamers, #7, 0.4, 7.5) 
Who would play my dad? 
Aidan Cavanuagh's Kaylee over-protective dad is almost exactly like my dad. 
They're both willing to give us the world, they also want to protect us from all the bad

Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1)
Who would play my mom?
Blythe Gray, Nora's Mom might fit the role. It hard to really pick a mother role from a book when some are really not like my mom at all and some of the books I've read mother have sent their daughter to somewhere which my mom would never do. 

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, #3)
Who would play my cat Buddy? 
Probably Crookshanks he's almost the same breed but is a long-haired breed and orange. You've seen my cat on twitter so he's quiet large and brown. 

 Gone with the Wolf (Seattle Wolf Pack, #1)
Where would I live?
 Sorry I can't imagine too much of a fantasy world, so it will be urban fantasy that will help me pick a spot. My cousin would love this, because this book is taken place in Seattle. I'm not a small town girl like some books takes place, it would drive me crazy to live in a very small town.

Demonglass (Hex Hall, #2)
What school would I go to?
HEX HALL!!!! I love that school so much that I wish it was real! 

Blood Bound (Unbound #1)
What would be my Job?
A Free-lancing skilled, being able to work jobs to jobs without being blood-tied to one of the powerful men in the city.

Opal (Lux, #3)
Who would be my Best Friend? 
Katy (Kat) whose a book blogger and we both love books :-) Yes we both have the same name and that is how my real best friend in life is too. Hers is Katie, so Katy is pretty darn close.

 Alpha (Shifters, #6)
My significant other?
(HOW DO YOU CHOOSE?) I'm going to go with Marc Ramos since he was my first book boyfriend before I knew what Book Boyfriend was. HE will push me to overcome all the fears and worry that I may have and he won't let me accept defeat.

Now I have to challenge other people!!!!
Jessica (Formerly known as Hackaroo's Review) Reviews from a book loving mom
Jen of Jenuine Cupcakes