
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Top Ten Wednesday: Blogging Confessions

So I think I'm going to change things up around here on SassyCat's Books Review, since I haven't been entirely active and pretty soon I won't be because of things going on in Life. So I've decided that I will participate in some of the other blogs I follow daily memes. It may not always be on that day or that week but if I see something that I like then I'll blog. 

Why I haven't done this yet or before? Well simply put I wanted to expand my own creativity when comes to blogging meme and such but then again everything that I could think of has already been around for 5 years!

So today is my Top Ten (Wednesday) Blogging Confession, I saw Great Imagination's post and I have the same problem and maybe other blogging problems. 
The Top Ten Tuesday meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme:  Blogging Confessions. As for me I'm posting it on Wednesday. 

I just started getting into a Reading funk, before I took off on my trip I had read four books yes I know that didn't seem many but two were for upcoming book tours, one was a series to read book and the other was an arc read. How many books I've read since after/during my trip? 4 books yet again. That is eight books read just in one month or just over a month. You can say my mind and reader's brain went mush that everything seems blah. 




Behind on Reviews, I've been behind on reviews since May. My total books that still need to be reviewed is 8 books. I've been gradually changing how I review books, being more critical and trying to provide the best feedback I can and express my likes/dislikes of the book. 






Books that I plan to read, these are books that I'll take part in reviewing an ARC copy and possibly be part of the blog tour. There are two that I'm waiting from my authors for the ARC to be available for requests. The other book is Oppression by Jennifer L Armentrout, I am crossing my fingers that I'll be attending one of the event for the Oppression Tour nearby.  That's it after that I'll be in school and hoping working a job so I'll be less active but trying to keep up with everything. 





Finding a balance, I've had struggles maintaining a balance between school and blogging there are at some points I wonder why am I forcing myself to blog? It's not a job, its a hobby that I take very serious in but I need to find that balance, set plans . . . schedule posts. 







I want to improve my blog, I know I need to jump on setting up a Facebook page but I'm still holding off on that . . . don't ask me why. I think really I just need the time to sit down and go all out on creating the page rather than do a simple setup.







I don't have email subscribers, just the other day I thought I would get MailChimp but that proven to be difficult trying to figure out how the heck to put it on my blog. So I delete it and will try something else. 








I haven't host my own personal giveaways, I'm just not where I want to be . . . I don't have the audience for starters and all my giveaways are through the blog tour host not ME. I hope that I will host giveaways but I would really like to see more audiences first. 







I still books binges, that will never end but now I found great deals of awesome YA/Teen books in my discounted section at my bookstore. I'll share some of those reasons why it might just help your pockets just a little bit more. 








I'm going to fail my goal of reading series books this year, I didn't think it would be that hard but it is! Even when I own (most) of them. So I'm going to only read what I feel like reading, what draws my attentions. 





I'm a writer (there I said it), after my trip and being at UtopYA Con I've learned a few things and it gave me a urge to a point where I want to focus on my WIP and make goals/plans for all thing that make it tough to put a book out. I love my WIP I just need to work on it more and be more dedicated to it and that's what I've been doing since I've gotten back. So that why I won't be reading as much books except for the one I plan to read and if I read other books after that then I REALLY wanted to read it.

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