
Friday, May 23, 2014

The Cat's Meow: Countdown to UToPYA

24 Days 
WOW where did the time go? We're under a month to go before it's UtopYa Con Time! 

I'm so excited to be coming and attending, I can't wait to meet everyone face to face now I know some are arriving Thursday don't worry I'll be there too! I really look forward to a lot of things Thursday night but I'll be sad at the same time . . . If many of you don't know I'm taking two trips. 

Before I come to Nashville I will be in North Carolina to visit my dear & very pregnant friend, it so exciting but nerve-wreaking because she will be close to her due date when I see her so pretty much she could have her baby when I'm there to visit her!

So what have I done so far in prep for UtopYa Con? 
well I've done many things, routing/mapping the direction to Nashville as well to NC. My mom and I will soon be booking our hotels that we're staying at in NC and Springfield, IL (did I mention I'm traveling by car & my mom and I are going to see Abe Lincoln museum first before our big driving trip)

I have pre-ordered some books through the group page and the Pre-order doc that I created to make everyone's life easier and to track down all authors that are offering pre-orders. I'm still working on some more pre-order but I'm fighting the budget as well...

I've order books through Barnes & Noble that I will be bringing along with me, plus I will be bringing books that I currently owned as well. Let's say I'm bring books with me but I'll be bringing a lot more books home with me :-) 

I'm sure you heard of the Reader Abduction Party Thursday night, the tickets went out fast but don't worry I snagged one for me and my mom, but if she doesn't want to go with me then I will ask someone who didn't get it and I know two contender already. 

Are you ordering Brag Book? It's For YOU to get so that way every single authors attending will sign your brag book even though you might or might not buy their books. At least you would get every single Author's signatures :-) Here's the link!product/prd1/2169086445/%23bragbook

Let's talk PACKING! 
I'm not even close to packing, let's say I'm even 100% sure what clothes to pack! Plus I want to be sure that every outfit that I may/may not wear between now and before we leave will be washed. So clothes will be taken care of the week of our departure. 

There's some stuff that I want to buy before hands because one I really need some more pairs.

My mom and I are from Wisconsin, so we will be bringing our own cheese (no we didn't make them it will be store brought from a local cheese place) We're bringing our own beers and some food for the road . . . We are preparing for everything.

So how about you? What have you done so far and are you ready for the best time of your bookish life?

1 comment:

  1. Woo-hoo! This post has really gotten me excited for the con!
