
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Book Review: Shade

Shade (Shade #1) By Jeri Smith-Ready

Shade (Shade, #1)Best. Birthday. Ever. At least, it was supposed to be. With Logan's band playing a critical gig and Aura's plans for an intimate after-party, Aura knows it will be the most memorable night of her boyfriend's life. She never thought it would be his last.

Logan's sudden death leaves Aura devastated. He's gone.

Well, sort of.

Like everyone born after the Shift, Aura can see and hear ghosts. This mysterious ability has always been annoying, and Aura had wanted nothing more than to figure out why the Shift happened so she can undo it. But not with Logan's violet-hued spirit still hanging around. Because dead Logan is almost as real as ever. Almost.

It doesn't help that Aura's new friend Zachary is so understanding--and so very alive. His support means more to Aura than she cares to admit.

As Aura's relationships with the dead and the living grow ever complicated, so do her feelings for Logan and Zachary. Each holds a piece of Aura's heart...and clues to the secret of the Shift.

Paperback, 309 pages
Published (first published May 4th 2010)

Aura has a gift but are times that she's sees it as a curse, she was born one minutes after the SHIFT and now because of that she can communicates with ghosts whether she wants to or not.

But when her rock star boyfriend dies, she thought it was the end of the world until she sees his ghost, now she looks at this like a second chance with him but how can she be with him if he's dead?

Then comes along Zachary, Aura's research partner and suddenly she might have a chance of a normal life until it's reveal that they share the same birthdays but Zachary was born one minutes before the Shift.

Will Aura be able to move on with her life after the passing of Logan or will she still hold on to Logan for as long he's around?

Shade gave me a fresh new read for once where it's not all paranormal or supernatural(s) it's a simple of having the ability to see ghosts or not to see ghosts. I'm giving this Four and a half Cat's Tails UP for the start of a new book series to read.

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW
I'm glad I set a goal for what books I should be reading, it helps get my TBR pile shorter (HA! In my dreams) that list will never stop growing but I can now finally say I'm reading the Shade series by Jeri Smith-Ready.

Aura seems like your average girl, she has a rock star boyfriend but she also can communicate with ghosts not that she's wants to anyways. But on the night of her boyfriend Logan's concert, he just agreed to a record label but then no one expected him to do the unthinkable.

Logan's death stunned everyone and now Logan's is back as a ghost, now his family and Aura are trying to help him pass on before he becomes a Shade.

While Aura works on her research project with Zachary the new guy at school with a sexy accent, he starts becoming friends with her but soon after learning about what Aura can do, he wants to know more and to share more with her.

Aura grows into Zachary as well but she struggle with trying to move on with Logan still hanging around and she's a little confused with what she wants. She wants to be with Zach because he's here and real and not dead but she want Logan as well she wanted that one night with him before everything turns upside down and he's dead.

What I thought about Logan was the cliche type, rock star . . . fame . . . drugs . . . no goal in life and I hated that from the start but when Logan becomes a ghost, he's different. Different for himself, his family and Aura, he regret doing what he's done but he can't undo the mistake he's made.

His parents and siblings wants him to passed on as peacefully as he can but his little last show of the night on earth as a ghost turns to be something horrid and worrisome for the family when he became a Shade and disappeared.

What I thought about Zachary, how can you not like an accent? he's also smart in his own way and completely shy around Aura. When he finds out that he and Aura share the same birthday, he also shares that he can ward off ghosts around him by wearing anything red or at least that how I understood it.

Their birthday date was pretty awesome because just last summer I was in Baltimore and it took me away to figure out that the series was taken place in Baltimore. So the historic ships? yep I've been there but what's interesting is that DMP was looking for them at the time.

The scene I like the most was when Aura and Zach were hiding from the DMP on one of the historic ships and that's where they share their first kiss. But also that is when Zach's dad comes in and interrupt them, talk about AWKWARD!!!

I want to share some photos I took while in Baltimore and perhaps you'll see some of the aspects from the book :-) 

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