
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Book Review: Foreplay

Foreplay (The Ivy Chronicles #1) by Sophie Jordan

Foreplay (The Ivy Chronicles, #1)
Before she goes after the life she’s always wanted, she’s about to find the one she needs. 

Pepper has been hopelessly in love with her best friend’s brother, Hunter, for like ever. He’s the key to everything she’s always craved: security, stability, family. But she needs Hunter to notice her as more than just a friend. Even though she’s kissed exactly one guy, she has just the plan to go from novice to rock star in the bedroom—take a few pointers from someone who knows what he’s doing.

Her college roommates have the perfect teacher in mind. But bartender Reece is nothing like the player Pepper expects. Yes, he’s beyond gorgeous, but he’s also dangerous, deep—with a troubled past. Soon what started as lessons in attraction are turning both their worlds around, and showing just what can happen when you go past foreplay and get to what’s real…

Paperback, 320 pages

Published November 5th 2013 by William Morrow

Sophie Jordan masters her first NA book, Pepper's life is all about finding herself but she want to be able to get the man of her dreams. She consider herself inexperience in some areas so her girlfriends takes her out clubbing to learn everything about hooking up. 

Although Pepper didn't think that the stranger that assist her with her car would be at the same bar.

Reece is that type where he's not looking for commitment and if someone really want sexual favors he just might do it but when he see the girl with the car problems, he wonders what's brings her to his bar? 

When Pepper approach him for an unusual request, he just might be willing to give this fling a chance.

When I read Foreplay I could see the characters really taking a ride of their life, by making their own personal goals and meeting their own wants and needs. In the end they made their ultimate decision, to be or not to be together.

I give this a 5 Cat's Tails Up!!! I really love the book as well the characters, Reece stole my heart from first read and reading him and Pepper together made me swoon for them.

MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW
My thoughts on Foreplay, I knew that I wanted this book and that I needed to get my paws on it as well diving into the world of New Adult because oddly enough I haven't read very many and there are ton that I want to read.

Foreplay deals with Pepper who plan everything in life, she excels in her determination and her education the only thing that was missing was her dream man Hunter, who's a family friend of many years but the problem was that he was seeing somebody else.

Pepper spend her life pining for Hunter and has all these imagination about what her life would be like if she was with Hunter and even marry Hunter. But Pepper felt a little self-conscious about one little thing, having S-E-X  and what girl wouldn't if they haven't done it and being at a certain age where you believe that everyone around you does it.

So what does Pepper do? Well with a little push and shove, her girlfriends took her to a local bar for Pepper to scout out a guy with experience and have a little foreplay. I love the girlfriends that Pepper has otherwise Pepper's life would have been very boring.

Reece was as cute and hot as he sounded!!!! I fell for him right away, probably quicker that Pepper did because you know that there's something about him that makes him so mysterious that you want learn more of him and about him.

Yes I'm sure some could have saw that Pepper and Reece were growing together and I did too but I also knew that Pepper was hesitant because she thought she knew what she wants but then when she gets it, something is missing . . . the fire was missing.

The ending did not disappoint me and it was so sweet what Reece did! Foreplay was truly amazing and I can't wait for Tease. Bring it on New Adults books!!!!

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