
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine Mini Challenge: Day Four

 Valentine’s Mini Book Blogger Challenge
Have you been following Rachel of Parajunkee's View Valentine Mini Challenge so far? So far we have discuss Our Book Boyfriends List, The Hottest Scene you have ever read in a book, and The Cheesiest Romance Scene or Topic you have ever read.

Today it the one we all hate and love . . . Love Triangles, The ones that works for you. The one that didn't.

Day Four
"Love Triangles, The ones that works for you. The one that didn't" 

Kaylee and The Hudson Brothers

 Soul Screamers Vol. 1: My Soul to Lose • My Soul to Take • My Soul to SaveSoul Screamers Volume Two (Soul Screamers #3, 3.5, 4)Soul Screamers Volume Three (Soul Screamers #5, 5.5, 6)
This Love Triangle actually works out better for the characters, which you don't see happening a lot because it destroys the characters. But when Rachel throws the biggest plot twister in Soul Screamers, not everyone saw it coming . . . First it was Nash and Kaylee the cutest couple, and you would think they be together forever but after My Soul to Keep where Nash has an addiction that completely tore Kaylee apart, it strained their relationship and it grew more strained when Nash ex-girlfriend Sabine comes along and tells Kaylee to either move on or accept his mistakes. 

IF I DIE becomes the biggest plot twister . . . Kaylee's time is up and Tod was the first to find out and warns her and her dad. The relationship between Kaylee and Nash is still strained but Kaylee begins to feel that she can confide more to Tod than she could with Nash. Then it was Kaylee and Tod's first Kiss, that drove Nash over the edge and also crushed him because he's losing the one good thing in his life but he also believes that Tod had more of a role because he thought Tod was jealous. IF ONLY HE KNEW . . . IF ONLY HE KNEW. 

 In the end everyone got their happy ending, even if Tod had to wait a few more years for his.

Marc, Faythe, and Jace

Prey (Shifters, #4)Shift (Shifters, #5)Alpha (Shifters, #6)

This didn't become a Triangle until Prey (Book #4), where the dynamic changes for Faythe and the Pride. Having her ups and downs with Marc, she know in her heart that he's the one but she wasn't ready to step in that role that most tabbies is often becomes.  

When Faythe's brother Ethan dies, everyone is hurt by the loss especially Faythe but also Jace because Ethan was his best bud. So what happens? Alcohol + Sorrow = Sex. Now you could say that Faythe and Jace were in mourning and Sex took some of the pain away but instead it's complicates the relationship between Jace and Faythe. 

Ideally Marc is bound to find out but not in the way Faythe wanted him to find our and now She and Marc are on the rocks. Marc is furious at Faythe but also at Jace because he thinks that he took advantage of Faythe when everyone was in mourning over Ethan. Marc forces Faythe to make a decision before the inevitably war comes, and with wisdom of her father's words before he died

"You love them both, but you'll survive the loss of one. Choose the one you can't live without"
 ~ Faythe's dad (Pg 203)

Ren, Calla, and Shay

Nightshade (Nightshade, #1)Wolfsbane (Nightshade, #2)Bloodrose (Nightshade, #3)

Ren was Calla's betrothed and their very PG-13 chemistry  was right there, but Calla grew more and more attracted to Shay. When Calla struggle to figure out who she would be happy with, she runs out on her own wedding and saves Shay in the process.

Her pack is against her, the one she's suppose to lead but she also had to do what she thought was right, falling more and more for Shay. Ren is always at the back of her mind, when she finally get him on her side things gets harder for her.

Calla will end up losing one of the guys she loves, and she will feel like her world is falling down in the mist of battle. 

This Love Triangle between Ren, Calla and Shay happens because Calla was used to having her life in precise order that she didn't think anything of it until she saw the dark side and the secrets that soon reveals that she has to take control of her life.

Finn, Tove, Wendy, and Loki 

Switched (Trylle, #1)Torn (Trylle, #2)Ascend (Trylle, #3)
Okay I know there's isn't much of a love triangle with Finn or even with Tove, but Wendy did have a thing for Finn until he became too protective that Wendy felt suffocated. Then Wendy must marry Tove in order to become Queen but she struggle with her growing feeling for Loki, there's just something about him that she can't see as a bad guy.

Loki makes the first move on Wendy, he want her . . . he knows deep inside that he can give her everything she deserve, love, happiness, adventures, and him. When Wendy and Tove are married, Loki is sadden but he also is convinced that Wendy's marriage with Tove will not last. c

Wendy soon admit that she's fallen for Loki but is torn between her duties and her heart, which one comes first? Luckily Tove explains to Wendy that  he sees how Loki and Wendy are when they are around each other, so Tove wants to end their marriage that way both of them can have a happily ever after.

So that's my Love Triangles, I know I should have gone the simple route by choosing one but I like to pick multiples and some o these have different varies of a Love Triangle.

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