
Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Cat's Meow


Well the new year is here and I think it's time to give you what my large pile of books I've received for Christmas/Birthday.

If you been following my SassyCat Book Blogger New Year Challenge that Parajunkee has created, I've been participating in that and it's been a lot of fun and challenging thoughts.

So how many books did I get for Christmas? 15

After Christmas and on my birthday book deals . .  . 11

Display the books that I really wanted . . . I found Wait for You and Foreplay when out shopping for my friend's gift and was appalled by where the bookstore actually placed them. I will create another post to share what has changed since Borders been closed for business.

If your store has discounted sections, I would suggestion browsing there you never know what you might find.

These books above are Discounted books, I got 5 hardcover books that were at the most 5 dollars a piece maybe less, then along with paperbacks.

The books below are gift that I got from a friend of mine, she had given me three other books that are not pictured because I already owned them. I gave one to another friend of mine and I'll have to figure out what to do with the other two books that I don't need. They might be giveaways or I could figure out who else could need them. 


Plus two books from another friend of mine, that I didn't take pictures of but I'll post the covers instead.

 Dark Prince (Dark, #1)The Dirty Streets of Heaven

So in all total of books that I got 33

33 books! Now I do really want to get ebooks of novellas or short stories that are only in ebook format.  

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