
Thursday, January 2, 2014

SassyCat's Blogger Challenge: Day One & Day Two

How awesome is this? Since I already have two post mouse running around on the 1st of the New Year, I'll do Day One and Day Two in the same post here. So I thought I already made myself a blogger challenge but this Book Blogger New Year's Challenge meme by Parajunkee got me thinking . . .

DAY ONE: Blogger Resolution
  1. Well since I've already created a post about the books I'll be reading this year, all series books, keep in mind I'll read other books as well. I want to see how many series books I can read in a year! Here's my post about what Series books made it on my list.  
  2. Another blogger Resolution is getting more involved with Blog Tours since I was under a lot for school and only participating in a few blog tours this year.
  3. Find a Design Template for SassyCat's Books Review, I like my template mind you but I really want to personalized it with what SassyCat's is about, along with avatars and raters. If you haven't notice I don't have a rater Icon which force my readers to have to read what I rate it. 
  4. Can I do my reviews in a timely manner? Well that will depends on how much life will take from me to actually do review
  5. I'm attending a big Book Blogging/Author Convention in June so I can check that off my list :-)

Day Two: Pros and Cons of Blogging
There's a lot of pros that I haven't even thought of until this challenge got me thinking, but I also didn't think much about the cons of blogging.

Blogging Pros
  • To read books that I've never heard about
  • You hear about upcoming new books through other bloggers/or authors
  • Chatting with Awesome bloggers and Authors
  • You can have more than one book boyfriends
  • For someone who never once like to pick up a book, I can't imagine why my mindset was so dead against books but perhaps I didn't find the calling of books yet until I was in my late teens.
  • I like to talk about books that I've read and I LOVE giving recommendation to my friends!

Blogging Cons
  • There's never enough time in the day
  • Hitting a reader's block
  • Hitting a Review/Writer's block which is worst than Reader's block
  • Lack of personality visually, I wish I had the money to buy blogger template or custom template, to get an avatar and raters but I don't (YET)
I do stay positives on anything that I find negative about my blog or myself as a blogger, because I am only human and I have a lot of commitments to other stuff beside blogging but I told myself that even when I'm in my deep down low, I will not abandon my blog.


  1. I am doing this too :) I love reading everyone's post! :)
    -- I'd be glad to help with your design :D (free, of course!)

    I LOVE the fact that blogging introduces me to books I might not have ever read.
    && I totally LOATHE readers block. There are times when I will start 4 or 5 books and I just cannot get into one of them. It's horrible!

  2. I had the same problem with my blog design. Everyone's just seemed better than mine, until I found this great blog that provides some great free templates. Maybe you would like to check them out and find something you like.

    And I totally have that Review writer's block you were talking about. That's an actual thing!

    Good luck!

  3. Doing reviews in a timely manner is something that I need to work on too! And couldn't agree more that there never seems to be enough time in the day. Experimenting with a few different time management solutions in the hopes that one of them will stick! As for a new template, there are some nice free ones out there that might tide you over until you can get that custom design one day. Good luck! :)

  4. Great list, although I am grateful that I have never had reader's block :)
