
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

SassyCat Book Blogger: Day Fourteen

Today is the final day of Parajunkee's Book Blogger New Year Challenge, I've always love joining fun challenges and is sad when they have ended. I hope that everyone had fun doing this and reading others posts about what they thought.

Yesterday it was "Share your book blogger horror story" I have choosen to not do that post, because well I really couldn't think of any. Perhaps that a good thing, because I typically avoid all the drama.

Today we share our Blogging Wish List of 2014

My Blogger Wishlist
  • A new design for SassyCat's Book Review
  • Cat's Tails Raters 
  • Discover New Book Boyfriends
  • Reunite with Old Book Boyfriends
  • Guys Team sidebar banners
  • Meet other Blogger Buddies
  • Meet Author Buddies
  • More Book Challenges . . .  You should consider what I'm doing, Reading all Series based books
  • Attend Book Cons/Author Events (When possible)
 So what are some of your blogger Wishlist?

1 comment:

  1. I didn't do a post yesterday either, but going to miss this challenge! Good luck with your wishlist, as you've got some great goals on there! :)
