
Saturday, January 11, 2014

SassyCat Book Blogger: Day Eleven

It's Day Eleven, just only a few days left of Parajunkee's Book Blogger New Year Challenge. Today it's all about your To-Be-Read (TBR) Pile. How many books are on your TBR pile? and how many are you planning on reading? Or how many TBR categories do you have?

Well I'm finally am setting a goal to read Series books, especially those that ended or soon will be ending, Right now my Series-To-Read stands at 51 books.

Have I started the challenge? the answer is NO!!!! I am reading some ARC books that comes out in February before I start school. The first ARC is sitting in my draft for review, it's almost there but not quite yet finished. I constantly try to make little changes or big changes to how I'll review the book. The Review summary is done 100% but not my MEOW . . . MEOW . . . MEOW part.

My TBR pile altogether is at 665 that is including the series books but there are other books that I may not have added yet. Like my TBR can't grow any faster!

My head spins so much when it comes to books,  because there's so many! I'm obsessed with books, no not ebooks although they are okay but I like to feel of books and opening the pages.

Now you're thinking well what about this book or that book? you already deciated to reading series books but how about others that are just starting? Well yes they'll be included ot my TBR pile for this year and I'll managed to find time to read some of those new one such as
  • Snakeroot by Andrea Cremer
  • The Forbidden side of Nightshade by A.D Robertson (Andrea Cremer)
  • Wait for You by J Lynn
  • Frigid by J Lynn
  • Foreplay by Sophie Jordan
  • 3:59 by Gretchen McNeil
  • Not a Drop to drink by Mindy McGinnis
  • Replica by Jenna Black
 And so much more!

So yes I'll be reading other books as well, my goal is 50 books but I hope I can aim higher than that with all the books that I've planned to read. Yes I'm planning my books reads it will help me in a lot of ways, I'll be able to determine which books I can read during school and which books I can't until after the semester is over.

So how about you? Is your TBR pile crazier than mine?


  1. I actually think you beat me by like 10 books lol. I love the series pile. Definitely something I should do as well!

    My TBR Shelf

  2. I need to do a series to read challenge. Although, there are some fairly long series I need to finish. Raymond Feist's series is 21 books I think and I'm only on book 3. Hm, maybe I'll pick one series a month to read. Great idea :)

  3. I started keeping track of my TBR books a few months ago, but have no idea how many were already in the house. I keep forgetting about my ebooks, which add even more to the pile, so signed up for an ebook challenge to try and get those read. Good luck with your stacks!
